I was transferring a few collections from a DSpace 1.5.2 development 
server to a production instance this morning and encountered a small 
issue with the dspace_migrate bash script.
Since the item exporter in 1.6 has a migrate option (-m flag) this 
script might get removed, so I'm posting this simple fix just in case 
anyone else encounters the same problem.

Transferring Items Between DSpace Instances: 
DSpace System Documentation lists the auto-generated fields the 
dspace_migrate script removes from dublin_core.xml prior to moving a 
collection (date.accessioned, date.available, description.provenance, 
etc.). The script also removes the handle file.
When I attempted to import the collection into the production instance, 
I ended up with two handles-- one newly created and one left over from 
the dev server because it was still listed in the dublin_core.xml file 
as a dc.identifier.uri value.

Here's the fix:
Lines 101 and 104 perform the deletion of several element/qualifier 
pairs from the dublin_core.xml metadata, but a small typo occurs twice 
on the lines that should remove the handle. Removing one character from 
both lines fixes the problem.
| $SED "/element=\"identifier\" qualifier=\"uri\"\>http:\/\/hdl/d"
Should be this:
| $SED "/element=\"identifier\" qualifier=\"uri\">http:\/\/hdl/d"

Note: removing the extra escape character (backslash \) before the 
greater than (>) symbol causes the script to correctly remove any 
dc.identifier.uri that starts with http://hdl without removing any 
non-handle URIs nor removing any local accession numbers stored in 

I hope this helps,
John Davison

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