On 6 March 2010 09:48, Stuart Lewis <s.le...@auckland.ac.nz> wrote:
> It is probably safer not to put the intermediate files in [dspace]/log/ and 
> called dspace.log.* as the 'traditional' DSpace statistics reports still look 
> in that directory for dspace.log* files, and DSpace will still be writing its 
> dspace.log* log files there. Best keep them somewhere separate if possible.

I've done so now.

> I've tried importing the dspace.log file you sent, and it seemed to work fine:

Your parallel discussion with Dale Poulter provided some of the
answers I needed: I had to add the following to my server.xml file to
get solr running:

<Context path="/solr" docBase="/dspace/webapps/solr" debug="0"
        reloadable="true" cachingAllowed="false"

and then change the solr.og.server URL in dspace.cfg to:

solr.log.server =

Thank you for that.

> The error you mentioned in your first email 'Error seeking country while 
> seeking 3251471352' is thrown when the code tries to find out what country 
> and city the request was made from. It looks this up from an IP address. 
> Could you re-run the script, and when it throws one of these errors, look at 
> the file it is importing, find the line that has that value on, and copy that 
> line into an email? It is strange that there is a 10 digit number instead of 
> an IP address, so we need to work out where it is getting that from.

Yes, this makes no sense to me:

Processing file: /dspace/log/conv/dspace.log.92
Error seeking country while seeking 3438073063
Error seeking country while seeking 1074558283
Error seeking country while seeking 2205575261
Error seeking country while seeking 1074558283
Error seeking country while seeking 1074558283
Error seeking country while seeking 1074558220
Error seeking country while seeking 2107905785

cat /dspace/log/conv/dspace.log.92

Sean Carte
esAL Library Systems Manager
+27 72 898 8775
+27 31 373 2490
fax: 0866741254

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