Hi Mike
many thanks to have shared your experience!
As I say we are in an exploring phase so we want know how many people
are interested in a DSpace/RePEc integration, how much wired are the
existing approach and so on...
>From a technical point of view there are very few things that I don't
like in your solution:
1) it is php based, this mean additional requirements for the server
that run dspace and direct access to the dspace db this make the update
path a little more complex
2) it makes a copy of the metadata, copy is no bad in general but imho
should be used only when there is evidence of performance problems/load
Instead from the user side... as it has work well for a couple of years
and your users are happy with it, it is great and probably the leak of
generality is not so important as "we", technicians people, can think ;-)

If you ask your users for improvements what do you think that they
answer? more item types? separate series/archives?
when you have setup your service, are there already some items shared
with RePEc or you have started directly from DSpace?
if there are previous items in RePEc from your depts, have you been able
to prevent duplication?

About the upgrade to the 1.6 I suggest you to use the new support for
authority to keep track of the authorID directly in DSpace.
About this... do you know if exist a search service for query the RePEc
author registry or the new authorclaim? in this case, it could be pretty
simple build a DSpace plugin that offer autocomplete functionalities to
pickup the author during the cataloguing...otherwise you need to expose
in some way your local mapping file.


Michael White ha scritto:
> Hi Andrea,
> On Sun, 21 Mar 2010 12:10:04 +0100, Andrea Bollini wrote:
> > Apologies for cross posting, I like to receive feedback on both
> > technical aspects and user needs. At CILEA, we are exploring the
> > opportunity to expose DSpace data to the RePEc network,
> Just to say that we already do this here at Stirling. Our Economics
> department wanted to expose their Working Papers to RePEC, so I
> created a PHP application (that lives outside of DSpace) that extracts
> the metadata directly from the DSpace database for our Economics
> Department Working Papers collection
> (_https://dspace.stir.ac.uk/dspace/handle/1893/477_) and re-writes it
> in RePEC format (ReDIF) and places it on a web server for RePEC to
> harvest (via http) and add to RePEC/IDEAS
> (_http://ideas.repec.org/s/stl/stledp.html_).
> My script runs each night, checks to see if there have been any
> modifications to the collection (or any items in the collections)
> since the last time it was checked – if there have, then the RePEC
> files are re-generated – RePEC checks the files during their next
> scheduled check, sees that they have been modified since the last time
> they were harvested and re-harvests them - this picks up new additions
> or any items that have been updated since the last harvest, but avoids
> anyone doing anything if nothing has changed or been added.
> I’ve set up an author name to RePEC authorID mapping (in an external
> file) for those authors that have a RePEC ID set up. This  ensures
> publications are formally linked to our authors within RePEC (via the
> “Author-Person” field - _http://ideas.repec.org/e/pbe71.html_). I’ve
> also abstracted out the mapping from the required RePEC elements to
> the corresponding DSpace metadata fields (this also allows you to
> specify more than one DSpace field per RePEC element – if first is
> empty, use second etc – ideal way to deal with “Creation-Date” whose
> value can come from “dc.citation.date” or “dc.date.issued” in our case).
> I will admit that this was thrown together in an afternoon or two just
> to solve an immediate need so is very specific to our set-up and
> requirements (lots of hardwired stuff, single item type, so currently
> not very customisable or generalisable), but it has been working well
> for us for a couple of years.
> We are currently on DSpace v1.4.1 here, but I am hoping to upgrade to
> v1.6 over the coming months, and, as part of this, I will need to redo
> the RePEC integration, so I am definitely interested in the work that
> you are doing and would be happy to feed in our requirements and help
> in any way that I can. As I said, my stuff is all PHP (and pretty
> specific to our needs), but happy to share if this is of interest or use.
> Regards,
> Mike
> Michael White
> eLearning Developer
> eLearning Liaison & Development (eLD)
> 3V3a, Cottrell
> University of Stirling
> Stirling SCOTLAND
> FK9 4LA
> Email: _michael.wh...@stir.ac.uk_ <mailto:michael.wh...@stir.ac.uk>
> Tel: +44 (0) 1786 466877
> Fax: +44 (0) 1786 466880
> _http://www.is.stir.ac.uk/aboutis/teams/aldt/eld.php_
> Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2010 12:10:04 +0100
> From: Andrea Bollini <boll...@cilea.it>
> Subject: [Dspace-tech] DSpace as RePEc data provider
> To: DSpace General <dspace-gene...@mit.edu>,     DSpace Tech
>         <dspace-tech@lists.sourceforge.net>
> Message-ID: <4ba5fe8c.5060...@cilea.it>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15
> Apologies for cross posting, I like to receive feedback on both
> technical aspects and user needs.
> At CILEA, we are exploring the opportunity to expose DSpace data to
> the RePEc network, _http://repec.org/_ googling I have found some
> results mostly related to the dspace2redif.pl script
> _http://ideas.repec.org/c/rpc/script/dspace2redif.html_
> this approach is of course simpler but imho it can't fit general
> requirements.
> The RePEc metadata for the archive and the series need to be entered
> manually, the script needs to be slightly modified to reflect your
> metadata configuration (if  you have changed it...) and  you have of
> course to setup a public ftp area.
> Also the performance could be better because without modification the
> script touch all the document in your archive also if no changes are
> occurred. This overload your dspace instance and the RePEc network
> that need to harvest any time all the records.
> The script is good for users that already have a RePEc repository and
> only want to increase it with records from one or more DSpace collections.
> Instead, for new users, there is no help, the setup of the RePEc
> repository is all on their hands (it is not much hard ;-) ) but it is
> more complex to deploy the dspace-oai.war and send the OAI-PMH base url.
> So, I'm thinking of building a webapp "dspace-repec" that, making
> fully use of the  dspace data&structure, could simplify the building
> of new RePEc repository providing the most wide support to the RePEc
> format (all document types, multi series, multi archive for the same
> dspace repository and so on).
> The dspace-repec webapp should implement the httpserver RePEc approach:
> _http://ideas.repec.org/t/httpserver.html_
> Is this an overkilling approach? how many DSpace users are interested
> in RePEc? are there any others project in this area that I have missed?
> Please share your comments,
> best regards,
> Andrea
> --
> Dott. Andrea Bollini
> Project Manager, IT Architect & Systems Integrator Sezione Servizi per
> le Biblioteche e l'Editoria Elettronica CILEA, _http://www.cilea.it_
> tel. +39 06-59292853 cel. +39 348-8277525
> ---
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> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The Sunday Times Scottish University of the Year 2009/2010
> The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number
> SC 011159.

Dott. Andrea Bollini
Project Manager, IT Architect & Systems Integrator
Sezione Servizi per le Biblioteche e l'Editoria Elettronica
CILEA, http://www.cilea.it
tel. +39 06-59292853
cel. +39 348-8277525


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