I'm trying to perform a batch import on a test folder for a collection in a new 
DSpace installation.

I entered the following command (Windows server btw):

E:\DSpace\bin>dsrun org.dspace.app.itemimport.ItemImport -a -e (my email 
address) -c 123456789/2 -s E:\IMPORT_TEST\test m- 

I then ran the IndexBrowse and ItemCounter commands and stop/restart Tomcat.

The mapfile generated by DSpace is blank and nothing shows up when I try to 
browse the collection.  I get the message: There are no entries in the index 

Any ideas or suggestions?

Thanks in advance!

Keith M. Pickett, MLIS

Digital Initiatives Librarian
Biology Subject Specialist
Chair, LOUISiana Digital Library Committee
Earl K. Long Library, Room 319
University of New Orleans
2000 Lakeshore Drive
New Orleans, LA 70148
(504) 280-3273

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