Hello friends,

I am studying the feasibility on configuring some dissemination interfaces
under DSpace's OAI-MPH device and I would appreciate so much if you could
kindly help me. My goal is that exported data must be easily re-ingested
after by the same DSpace (i.e, easily replicated between DSpace interfaces).
So I have observed PHM metadata formats that permits to wrap in some way or
other the bitstream for harvesting, but information on these issues seems to
be very chaotic.

   * OAI-ORE Interface: I understand there is just an interface for
harvesting, not disseminating, by now.
   * METS: Classic DSpace METS SIP under OAI-MPH. Is there any real way of
exporting from one DSpace repository to another using OAI-MPH and METS with
bitstreams wrapped or interpreted directly by the ingestion instance?
   * SWORD: Is SWORD implemented for dissemination? Can DSpace serves as a
server to which ask for a set instead of as a submission server?

My idea is trying to see if LOCKSS can ingest automatically from DSPACE
through OAI-MPH as an interim provider with METS/SWORD/ORE as way to package
structural_folders_metadata+bitstreams_metadata+bitstreams on response, in a
way that these packages can be reingested later keeping original resource
structure inside DSpace.

Thank you very much for your attention.
Gratefully yours,

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