What happens when you go to the equivalent of: http://demo.dspace.org/*
xmlui/admin/metadataimport* on your instance?

Peter Dietz

On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 12:06 PM, Manju N <manjunayak1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, Dietz
>               Thank you very much for your help.
>             I logged as a administrator group 1 which i created using
> create-administrator.
> http://localhost/xmlui/DRI/  when i click this i will get below given xml
> file which does not contain <xref target="/xmlui/admin/metadataimport">
> Import Metadata
> </xref>
> <document version="1.1">
> −
> <body>
> −
> <div id="file.news.div.news" n="news" rend="primary">
> <head>DSpace/Manakin Repository</head>
> −
> <p>
> Welcome to the new Manakin interface to the DSpace digital repository.
> DSpace is a digital service that collects, preserves, and distributes
> digital material. Repositories are important tools for preserving an
> organization's legacy; they facilitate digital preservation and scholarly
> communication.
> </p>
> </div>
> −
> <div id="aspect.artifactbrowser.FrontPageSearch.div.front-page-search"
> interactive="yes" rend="primary" action="/xmlui/search"
> n="front-page-search" method="get">
> <head>Search DSpace</head>
> <p>Enter some text in the box below to search DSpace.</p>
> −
> <p>
> −
> <field id="aspect.artifactbrowser.FrontPageSearch.field.query" n="query"
> type="text">
> <params/>
> </field>
> −
> <field id="aspect.artifactbrowser.FrontPageSearch.field.submit" n="submit"
> type="button">
> <params/>
> <value type="raw">Go</value>
> </field>
> </p>
> </div>
> −
> <div id="aspect.artifactbrowser.CommunityBrowser.div.comunity-browser"
> rend="primary" n="comunity-browser">
> <head>Communities in DSpace</head>
> <p>Select a community to browse its collections.</p>
> −
> <referenceSet
> id="aspect.artifactbrowser.CommunityBrowser.referenceSet.community-browser"
> rend="hierarchy" n="community-browser" type="summaryList">
> <reference repositoryID="123456789" type="DSpace Community"
> url="/metadata/handle/123456789/2/mets.xml"/>
> </referenceSet>
> </div>
> </body>
> −
> <options>
> −
> <list id="aspect.artifactbrowser.Navigation.list.browse" n="browse">
> <head>Browse</head>
> −
> <list id="aspect.artifactbrowser.Navigation.list.global" n="global">
> <head>All of DSpace</head>
> −
> <item>
> <xref target="/xmlui/community-list">Communities & Collections</xref>
> </item>
> −
> <item>
> <xref target="/xmlui/browse?type=dateissued">By Issue Date</xref>
> </item>
> −
> <item>
> <xref target="/xmlui/browse?type=author">Authors</xref>
> </item>
> −
> <item>
> <xref target="/xmlui/browse?type=title">Titles</xref>
> </item>
> −
> <item>
> <xref target="/xmlui/browse?type=subject">Subjects</xref>
> </item>
> </list>
> <list id="aspect.artifactbrowser.Navigation.list.context" n="context"/>
> </list>
> −
> <list id="aspect.artifactbrowser.Navigation.list.account" n="account">
> <head>My Account</head>
> −
> <item>
> <xref target="/xmlui/logout">Logout</xref>
> </item>
> −
> <item>
> <xref target="/xmlui/profile">Profile</xref>
> </item>
> −
> <item>
> <xref target="/xmlui/submissions">Submissions</xref>
> </item>
> </list>
> <list id="aspect.artifactbrowser.Navigation.list.context" n="context"/>
> −
> <list id="aspect.artifactbrowser.Navigation.list.administrative"
> n="administrative">
> <head>Administrative</head>
> −
> <list id="aspect.administrative.Navigation.list.epeople" n="epeople">
> <head>Access Control</head>
> −
> <item>
> <xref target="/xmlui/admin/epeople">People</xref>
> </item>
> −
> <item>
> <xref target="/xmlui/admin/groups">Groups</xref>
> </item>
> −
> <item>
> <xref target="/xmlui/admin/authorize">Authorizations</xref>
> </item>
> </list>
> −
> <list id="aspect.administrative.Navigation.list.registries" n="registries">
> <head>Registries</head>
> −
> <item>
> <xref target="/xmlui/admin/metadata-registry">Metadata</xref>
> </item>
> −
> <item>
> <xref target="/xmlui/admin/format-registry">Format</xref>
> </item>
> </list>
> −
> <item>
> <xref target="/xmlui/admin/item">Items</xref>
> </item>
> −
> <item>
> <xref target="/xmlui/admin/withdrawn">Withdrawn Items</xref>
> </item>
> −
> <item>
> <xref target="/xmlui/admin/panel">Control Panel</xref>
> </item>
> −
> <item>
> <xref target="/xmlui/statistics">Statistics</xref>
> </item>
> </list>
> </options>
> −
> <meta>
> −
> <userMeta authenticated="yes">
> <metadata element="identifier">2</metadata>
> <metadata element="identifier" qualifier="email">
> manjunayak1...@yahoo.co.in</metadata>
> <metadata element="identifier" qualifier="firstName">mn</metadata>
> <metadata element="identifier" qualifier="lastName">n</metadata>
> <metadata element="identifier"
> qualifier="logoutURL">/xmlui/logout</metadata>
> <metadata element="identifier" qualifier="url">/xmlui/profile</metadata>
> <metadata element="identifier" qualifier="loginURL">/xmlui/login</metadata>
> <metadata element="language" qualifier="RFC3066">en_US</metadata>
> <metadata element="language" qualifier="RFC3066">en</metadata>
> </userMeta>
> −
> <pageMeta>
> <metadata element="contextPath">/xmlui</metadata>
> <metadata element="request" qualifier="queryString"/>
> <metadata element="request" qualifier="scheme">http</metadata>
> <metadata element="request" qualifier="serverPort">80</metadata>
> <metadata element="request" qualifier="serverName">localhost</metadata>
> <metadata element="request" qualifier="URI"/>
> <metadata element="search" qualifier="simpleURL">/xmlui/search</metadata>
> <metadata element="search"
> qualifier="advancedURL">/xmlui/advanced-search</metadata>
> <metadata element="search" qualifier="queryField">query</metadata>
> <metadata element="page" qualifier="contactURL">/xmlui/contact</metadata>
> <metadata element="page" qualifier="feedbackURL">/xmlui/feedback</metadata>
> <metadata element="title">DSpace Home</metadata>
> <metadata element="feed"
> qualifier="rss+xml">/xmlui/feed/rss_1.0/site</metadata>
> <metadata element="feed"
> qualifier="rss+xml">/xmlui/feed/rss_2.0/site</metadata>
> <trail target="/xmlui">DSpace Home</trail>
> </pageMeta>
> −
> <repositoryMeta>
> <repository repositoryID="123456789"
> url="/metadata/internal/repository/123456789/mets.xml"/>
> </repositoryMeta>
> </meta>
> </document>
> On 31 March 2011 21:13, Peter Dietz <pdiet...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Manju,
>> There is only supposed to be an "Import Metadata" button if your user is
>> the site admin. If you log in as the admin user (dspacedemo+admin@...) on
>> the demo site ( demo.dspace.org/xmlui ), you'll notice that admin user
>> gets the import metadata button, but none of the other users have it. Try
>> visiting http://demo.dspace.org/xmlui/admin/metadataimport while logged
>> in as a non-admin user, and you get an insufficient privileges warning.
>> For your instance that you have installed, either check that your user is
>> a site admin (i.e. member of group 1), or check that any customizations that
>> you've made haven't broken this feature.
>> If your user can visit the admin/metadataimport page, and it has a file
>> box to upload metadata, then steps to debug the would be to up your logging
>> level to debug, and watch the logs while the page is rendered. Also, check
>> the DRI, i.e. http://demo.dspace.org/xmlui/DRI/ while logged in, and see
>> if <xref target="/xmlui/admin/metadataimport">
>> Import Metadata
>> </xref> exists.
>> You can trace that backwards to see if you've customized
>> dspace-xmlui-api/src/main/java/org/dspace/app/xmlui/aspect/administrative/Navigation.java<http://scm.dspace.org/svn/repo/dspace/trunk/dspace-xmlui/dspace-xmlui-api/src/main/java/org/dspace/app/xmlui/aspect/administrative/Navigation.java>that
>>  is has a line:
>> admin.addItemXref(contextPath+ "/admin/metadataimport", 
>> T_administrative_import_metadata);
>> Hope that helps,
>> #1.7.0, #xmlui, #metadata-import
>> Peter Dietz
>> On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 11:08 AM, Manju N <manjunayak1...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Dear All,
>>> I want to upload .csv metadata file  at present Import Metadata menu is
>>> not displaying under administrative tools in my installation admin interface
>>> (using Dspace 1.7.0). Can any one help me to enable Import Metadata menu.
>>> At Admin login Interface I am getting below given items except Metadata
>>> Import menu.
>>> Context
>>>     * Edit Community
>>>     * Export Community
>>>     * Create Collection
>>>     * Create Sub-community
>>> Administrative
>>>     *
>>>       Access Control
>>>           o People
>>>           o Groups
>>>           o Authorizations
>>>     *
>>>       Registries
>>>           o Metadata
>>>           o Format
>>>     * Items
>>>     * Withdrawn Items
>>>     * Control Panel
>>>     * Statistics
>>> Thanks
>>> Manju Naika
>>> IIT Bombay
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