Is there no domain-specific metadata schema for musical entities? I think *
Vellucci*, *S.L has done some remarkable *job in music metadata. If a schema
is available it's better to incorporate taht in DSpace because DCMI is too
generic to cover attributes of musical entities.

Dr. Parthasarathi Mukhopadhyay
Assistant Professor, Department of Library and Information Science,
University of Burdwan,
Burdwan - 713 104 (WB), India

On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 10:21 AM, Srijan Deshpande <> wrote:

>  Hello,
> I'm setting up a DSpace repository for our archive of Indian Classical
> Music. I'm currently working on our metadata schema and I have some
> questions and difficulties I need help with.
> One of my basic requirements is that each song be treated as an item in
> DSpace. This is because a 'song' (a composition) is the basic tangible unit
> in this music - compositions are taught, studied, written down, exchanged,
> and performed. Invariably, a single traditional composition will have a
> number of different versions, performed by a number of artists. Students of
> music, therefore, will want to search for a traditional composition and will
> expect to find a number of versions of it.
> In this situation, I need to know how to represent albums, or recordings of
> live concerts, both of which *contain *a number of compositions. From my
> research (I'm no metadata expert), this is what I've come up with:
>    - I create a separate item in DSpace for each song in the album
>    - I also create an item for the album
>    - In the album-item, I use the dc.relation.haspart property to enter
>    URIs of each song-item
>    - In each song-item, I use the dc.relation.ispartof property to enter
>    the URI of the album to which the song belongs
> Does this sound right?
> We also have handwritten musical scores (notation) of many compositions. Is
> it correct to use the dc.relation.isformatof property to indicate a
> relationship between an recorded composition (audio file) and its musical
> notation (scanned image)? I'd have to use the dc.relation.isformatof
> property on both items right?
> ---
> Indian music is based on melodic frameworks called 'raagas'. Any
> composition in Indian Classical music is derived from one of the hundreds of
> raagas. Therefore the raaga is an important characteristic of any
> composition. Would it be appropriate to indicate this using a new qualifier
> for the dc.subject property? As in dc.subject.raaga?
> Similarly the various rhythms to which the compositions are sung are called
> taalas. Consequently, I should use dc.subject.tala, correct? Also in this
> case, I don't see myself using dc.subject without any qualifiers at all. Is
> that appropriate?
> ---
> The compositions are classified into a number of sub-genres named 'khayal',
> 'thumri', 'bhajan' and so on. Which would be more appropriate here:
> dc.coverage.genre or dc.subject.genre? Often, there are also sub-genres, so
> dc.coverage.subgenre?
> ----
> And one of my biggest problems is: Any performance will have a number of
> artists performing together - a singer, supporting vocalists,
> instrumentalists, percussionists etc. I can list these using dc.contributor
> with marcrel qualifiers, such as dc.contributor.singer,
> dc.contributor.instrumentalist etc. But how do I indicate each contributor's
> role? How do I show which of the contributors is the singer, which is the
> percussionist and so on?
> ---
> For the languages of the compositions, most are in Dialects of the Hindi
> language. There is a standard language code for Hindi, but there are no
> codes for dialects of hindi. How should I represent these dialects? Or
> should I stick to just showing 'Hindi' as the language of the composition?
> ---
> I know that's a lot of questions to ask in one go....any responses will be
> greatly appreciated.
> For anyone who might be interested in finding out more about Indian
> Classical Music and our archive, please take a look at the attached file.
> Thanks so very much in advance!
> Srijan Deshpande
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