Typo on Kim's email, it should have been

On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 1:44 PM, Mark Diggory <mdigg...@atmire.com> wrote:
> Srijan,
> What a great project!
> Your approach is a sensible one. However, you'll quickly encounter
> that Dspace does little to support the mapping between the two Item
> types and you will endup starting to consider altering the item search
> and browse indexing among other parts of the system that don't do too
> well with "relationships" between Items. To compensate for this I
> recommend a twofold approach
> 1.) Do start to create "Album" Items, workout a set of metadata fields
> that you feel are relevant for Albums such that you can capture all
> the metadata about the album into one record and manage it there.
> 2.) In the short term, also "replicate" some of the relevant metadata
> you want to be able to search and browse on for a specific song into
> the Song Item metadata record.  This will allow you to create browse
> indexes for your songs that will return all songs based on name of the
> album or the album author.
> Eventually DSpace will get smarter about managing rendering
> relationships.  We have a project in GSoC that looks to include
> Semantic Authority Control into DSpace and that would be capable of
> supporting the lookup up existing "Album type" Items for linking to
> when submitting a song into DSpace.
> https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/GSOC/GSoC+2011+-+DSpace+SKOS+Authority+Controls
> There were a few presentations at OR that explored how to customize
> DSpace to support relationships between Items.  Kim Shepard and Stuart
> Lewis worked out some ideas for an archive of Maori Tribal Songs /
> Music.  I would highly recommend chatting with them about their
> approach which will allow you to create views over the Album and its
> Related Songs by querying Solr to join those results.
> Best Regards,
> Mark
> On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 11:51 PM, Srijan Deshpande <srij...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm setting up a DSpace repository for our archive of Indian Classical
>> Music. I'm currently working on our metadata schema and I have some
>> questions and difficulties I need help with.
>> One of my basic requirements is that each song be treated as an item in
>> DSpace. This is because a 'song' (a composition) is the basic tangible unit
>> in this music - compositions are taught, studied, written down, exchanged,
>> and performed. Invariably, a single traditional composition will have a
>> number of different versions, performed by a number of artists. Students of
>> music, therefore, will want to search for a traditional composition and will
>> expect to find a number of versions of it.
>> In this situation, I need to know how to represent albums, or recordings of
>> live concerts, both of which contain a number of compositions. From my
>> research (I'm no metadata expert), this is what I've come up with:
>> I create a separate item in DSpace for each song in the album
>> I also create an item for the album
>> In the album-item, I use the dc.relation.haspart property to enter URIs of
>> each song-item
>> In each song-item, I use the dc.relation.ispartof property to enter the URI
>> of the album to which the song belongs
>> Does this sound right?
>> We also have handwritten musical scores (notation) of many compositions. Is
>> it correct to use the dc.relation.isformatof property to indicate a
>> relationship between an recorded composition (audio file) and its musical
>> notation (scanned image)? I'd have to use the dc.relation.isformatof
>> property on both items right?
>> ---
>> Indian music is based on melodic frameworks called 'raagas'. Any composition
>> in Indian Classical music is derived from one of the hundreds of raagas.
>> Therefore the raaga is an important characteristic of any composition. Would
>> it be appropriate to indicate this using a new qualifier for the dc.subject
>> property? As in dc.subject.raaga?
>> Similarly the various rhythms to which the compositions are sung are called
>> taalas. Consequently, I should use dc.subject.tala, correct? Also in this
>> case, I don't see myself using dc.subject without any qualifiers at all. Is
>> that appropriate?
>> ---
>> The compositions are classified into a number of sub-genres named 'khayal',
>> 'thumri', 'bhajan' and so on. Which would be more appropriate here:
>> dc.coverage.genre or dc.subject.genre? Often, there are also sub-genres, so
>> dc.coverage.subgenre?
>> ----
>> And one of my biggest problems is: Any performance will have a number of
>> artists performing together - a singer, supporting vocalists,
>> instrumentalists, percussionists etc. I can list these using dc.contributor
>> with marcrel qualifiers, such as dc.contributor.singer,
>> dc.contributor.instrumentalist etc. But how do I indicate each contributor's
>> role? How do I show which of the contributors is the singer, which is the
>> percussionist and so on?
>> ---
>> For the languages of the compositions, most are in Dialects of the Hindi
>> language. There is a standard language code for Hindi, but there are no
>> codes for dialects of hindi. How should I represent these dialects? Or
>> should I stick to just showing 'Hindi' as the language of the composition?
>> ---
>> I know that's a lot of questions to ask in one go....any responses will be
>> greatly appreciated.
>> For anyone who might be interested in finding out more about Indian
>> Classical Music and our archive, please take a look at the attached file.
>> Thanks so very much in advance!
>> Srijan Deshpande
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> --
> Mark R. Diggory
> @mire - www.atmire.com
> 2888 Loker Avenue East - Suite 305 - Carlsbad - CA - 92010
> Esperantolaan 4 - Heverlee 3001 - Belgium

Mark R. Diggory
@mire - www.atmire.com
2888 Loker Avenue East - Suite 305 - Carlsbad - CA - 92010
Esperantolaan 4 - Heverlee 3001 - Belgium

EditLive Enterprise is the world's most technically advanced content
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