Dear Robert,

After applying the patches found in,
I think the supposedly language selector is not showing up because there is
no <metadata element="page" qualifier="supportedLocale"> even though I have
added de, ja in webui.supported.locales and xmlui.supported.locales in
dspace.cfg. I don't know what causes this and maybe the language selector
is not showing because of this test in page-structure.xsl:
            <!-- Display a language selection if more than 1 language is
supported -->
&gt; 1">

I also tried to viewed your raw DRI of your repository by inserting /DRI/
after xmlui and your repository don't have supportedLocale either. I really
appreciate your suggestion of implementing links and appending
?local-attribute=[language] but this won't work if the url string has ?.

Thank you for your help and hope someone can take a view on this.


2011/12/6 <>

> > Dear Dr. Andrea,
> >
> > After reading, I tried to apply
> > the patches and I can't make it work. I am hoping and would like to ask
> if
> > you have successfully resolved adding locale selector and how? Keiji
> > Suzuki
> > from Japan have successfully implemented these
> > (
> > and I also contacted him for some info. Hoping for a positive response
> and
> > thanks in advance.
> >
> > Sincerely,
> > Elvi S. Nemiz
> > Information Assistant
> > Library and Data Bank Services Section
> > Training and Information Division
> > SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department
> > Tigbauan, Iloilo
> > Philippines
> >
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dear Mr. Nezmiz,
> although we use the the JSPUI, I tried to implement this patch to the
> XMLUI, and I think it was successful.
> I send you the steps I followed (originally written by mr.helix84), maybe
> it will help you.
> Its very simple and I hope it will work for you too:
> 1. put the i18nBasicsForXmlui.patch in the [dspace-source] directory
> 2. navigate there and run: "patch -p0 < i18nBasicsForXmlui.patch"
> 3. rebuild (mvn) and update (ant update) the installation
> I could not make the mirage patch work, so I simply implemented some links
> with the endings specific for the language I would like to use. Ex. for
> German : ...?locale-attribute=de
> Probably it is not the best way to do this, but it works :)
> You can see our DSpace installation here:
> Please note that this is NOT our main interface, I just tried some things
> here, like the language selection or Discovery, and we still have some
> errors in the HTML code.
> Greetings from Romania,
> Bodnar Robert
> librarian

Elvi S. Nemiz
Information Assistant
Library and Data Bank Services Section
Training and Information Division
SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department
Tigbauan, Iloilo

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