Hi Elvi,

The first patch in the i18nBasicsForXmuli.patch of DS-842
is for  dspace-xmlui/dspace-xmlui-api/src/main/java/

>From DSpace1.7.0, ArtifactBrowser is deprecated and ViewArtifacts
is used instead. Maybe you have to apply this patch to

Keiji Suzuki
Ebetsu, Japan

2011/12/7 Nemiz, Elvi S. <esne...@seafdec.org.ph>:
> Hello Dspace users,
> The language switch is working in jspui by the way. I don't know why it is
> not working in xmlui.
> Thanks and regards,
> Elvi
> 2011/12/7 <bodnar_rob...@bcucluj.ro>
>> > Dear Robert,
>> >
>> > After applying the patches found in
>> > https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-842,
>> > I think the supposedly language selector is not showing up because there
>> > is
>> > no <metadata element="page" qualifier="supportedLocale"> even though I
>> > have
>> > added de, ja in webui.supported.locales and xmlui.supported.locales in
>> > dspace.cfg. I don't know what causes this and maybe the language
>> > selector
>> > is not showing because of this test in page-structure.xsl:
>> >             <!-- Display a language selection if more than 1 language is
>> > supported -->
>> >             <xsl:if
>> >
>> > test="count(/dri:document/dri:meta/dri:pageMeta/dri:metadata[@element='page'][@qualifier='supportedLocale'])
>> > &gt; 1">
>> >
>> > I also tried to viewed your raw DRI of your repository by inserting
>> > /DRI/
>> > after xmlui and your repository don't have supportedLocale either. I
>> > really
>> > appreciate your suggestion of implementing links and appending
>> > ?local-attribute=[language] but this won't work if the url string has ?.
>> >
>> > Thank you for your help and hope someone can take a view on this.
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> > Elvi
>> >
>> Dear Elvi,
>> Thank you for your email.
>> Unfortunately I`m only a librarian not a programmer, so my knowledge is
>> very limited regarding this:(
>> I did not thought about links with question marks... Might Dspace contain
>> this kind of links?
>> Anyway, our default interface is JSPUI for now...
>> I tried a couple of times to ask the same question as you on the list, but
>> noone really give any solution.
>> I hope you can find a good solution for this.
>> Have a nice day!
>> B. Robert


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