
Many thanks for the response! I did see DS-1105 when it came across the
list and thought that it looked like it was particularly related to what
I've been experiencing. I've really been putting the AIP tool through a lot
of various use cases lately. I'm focused mostly on getting a couple more
specific tasks done for a project, but I hope to take some time afterward
for concisely documenting my experience with the tool over the past several
weeks in case it helps the community either with debugging or for others
looking to get more acquainted with the tool. I just pulled up your new
notes on the AIP Backup and Restore wiki page with the workarounds. I
really appreciate your putting those notes together, I think it'll help a
great deal. Again, hopefully sometime in the near future I may have
something of my own to contribute to the efforts related to the AIP tool.
Thanks again Tim!

 - Patrick E.

On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 2:06 PM, Tim Donohue <tdono...@duraspace.org> wrote:

> Hi Patrick,
> Just getting around to looking at your detailed question here.
> I think, in a round-a-bout way you are actually running into a newly
> discovered "known issue" described here:
> https://jira.duraspace.org/**browse/DS-1105<https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-1105>
> I've just finished updating the latest "AIP Backup & Restore"
> documentation with a warning about this known issue.
> Based on your description, I think you should be able to follow one of
> described "workarounds" to allow you to submit AIPs into your "merged"
> DSpace instance.
> The workarounds are described both in the JIRA issue above, and in a new
> "warning box" at the end of this section of the AIP Backup & Restore docs:
> https://wiki.duraspace.org/**display/DSDOC18/AIP+Backup+**and+Restore#**
> AIPBackupandRestore-**SubmittinganAIPHierarchy<https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSDOC18/AIP+Backup+and+Restore#AIPBackupandRestore-SubmittinganAIPHierarchy>
> Hopefully this will help out.  If I misunderstood, please let me know.
> But, I think your underlying problem here is that if you are just
> submitting a *single* Community or Collection AIP to a new DSpace,
> currently the AIP Backup & Restore tool cannot create missing
> Groups/EPeople.  Rather, the AIP Backup & Restore tool is tailored more
> towards only creating Groups/EPeople automatically during a *full site
> restore*.
> - Tim
> On 1/12/2012 3:12 PM, Patrick Etienne wrote:
>> DSpace Tech List,
>> In further pursuit of exporting and importing data between two dspace
>> instances, I have a somewhat more advanced question that I'm seeking
>> help with. I'm running into a problem where an error is being thrown,
>> letting me know that certain epersons already exist within the instance
>> which is the import target. I've attempted a few things such as
>> modifying the configuration of the export instance, modifying the
>> configuration of the import instance, and removing epersons to no avail.
>> I'll lay out the specifics below. If anyone has ideas, they'd be most
>> appreciated.
>> First I'll detail the specific action that I'm attempting to make.
>> I have two dspace instances that I'm trying to "merge" in a specific
>> way. One instance is a "meta" instance of sorts - it contains the
>> structure of several different whole instances, where each outside whole
>> instance is a community within the meta-instance. My task has been to
>> make certain that all communities, collections and items from the
>> original whole instance are present within the associated meta-instance
>> community for that source instance. This means that the parent AIP
>> objects (my term, not sure if I'm using it 100% correctly) are different
>> for the source and destination instances. Specifically, when working
>> with the source instance, I'm doing a full export of the entire site (-i
>> handle/0). But when importing the export, I'm attempting to place the
>> entire tree at a specific community within the destination instance (-p
>> handle/1234).
>> Here's the command that I'm using during the import (the export goes
>> fine):
>> ./dspace packager -r -a -t AIP -p 123456789/2814 -e
>> administra...@domain.ext path-to-archive/aip.2012-01-**11.zip
>> Now, I'll paste a copy of the specific error I'm running into:
>> ------------------------------**-----
>> Destination parents:
>> Owner: 123456789/2814
>> Ingesting package located at
>> /var/www/dspace_root/src/aip/**albany_dev.aip.2012-01-11/**
>> albany_dev.aip.2012-01-11.zip
>> Also ingesting all referenced packages (recursive mode)..
>> This may take a while, please check your logs for ongoing status while
>> we process each package.
>> org.dspace.content.crosswalk.**CrosswalkInternalException:
>> org.dspace.content.packager.**PackageException: EPerson u...@domain.ext
>> already exists.
>> at org.dspace.content.crosswalk.**RoleCrosswalk.ingest(**
>> RoleCrosswalk.java:338)
>> at org.dspace.content.crosswalk.**RoleCrosswalk.ingest(**
>> RoleCrosswalk.java:257)
>> at
>> org.dspace.content.packager.**METSManifest.crosswalkXmd(**
>> METSManifest.java:1151)
>> at
>> org.dspace.content.packager.**METSManifest.**crosswalkObjectOtherAdminMD(
>> **METSManifest.java:1064)
>> at
>> org.dspace.content.packager.**AbstractMETSIngester.**ingestObject(**
>> AbstractMETSIngester.java:459)
>> at
>> org.dspace.content.packager.**AbstractMETSIngester.ingest(**
>> AbstractMETSIngester.java:234)
>> at
>> org.dspace.content.packager.**AbstractPackageIngester.**ingestAll(**
>> AbstractPackageIngester.java:**120)
>> at org.dspace.app.packager.**Packager.ingest(Packager.java:**515)
>> at org.dspace.app.packager.**Packager.main(Packager.java:**427)
>> at sun.reflect.**NativeMethodAccessorImpl.**invoke0(Native Method)
>> at
>> sun.reflect.**NativeMethodAccessorImpl.**invoke(**
>> NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:**39)
>> at
>> sun.reflect.**DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.**invoke(**
>> DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.**java:25)
>> at java.lang.reflect.Method.**invoke(Method.java:597)
>> at org.dspace.app.launcher.**ScriptLauncher.main(**
>> ScriptLauncher.java:183)
>> Caused by: org.dspace.content.packager.**PackageException: EPerson
>> ashley.willi...@asurams.edu 
>> <mailto:ashley.williams@**asurams.edu<ashley.willi...@asurams.edu>>
>> already
>> exists.
>> at
>> org.dspace.content.packager.**RoleIngester.ingestDocument(**
>> RoleIngester.java:119)
>> at org.dspace.content.packager.**RoleIngester.ingest(**
>> RoleIngester.java:448)
>> at org.dspace.content.crosswalk.**RoleCrosswalk.ingest(**
>> RoleCrosswalk.java:334)
>> ... 13 more
>> ------------------------------**-----
>> After encountering this error, I looked around in the dspace.cfg of both
>> the source and destination instances and had two thoughts. First was
>> that perhaps I could disable eperson information from being exported by
>> removing dspace.cfg references to DSPACE-ROLES within the dspace.cfg. I
>> ended up removing several DSPACE-ROLES references (this was pretty much
>> just the best educated guess I could make based on reading up on the
>> associated sections of the dspace.cfg) but the import with this kind of
>> export yielded a fairly expected kind of error:
>> ------------------------------**-----
>> Destination parents:
>> Owner: 123456789/2814
>> Ingesting package located at
>> /var/www/dspace_root/src/aip/**albany_dev.aip.2012-01-11/**
>> albany_dev.aip.2012-01-11.zip
>> Also ingesting all referenced packages (recursive mode)..
>> This may take a while, please check your logs for ongoing status while
>> we process each package.
>> org.dspace.content.crosswalk.**CrosswalkInternalException: Cannot restore
>> Group permissions on object (type=COLLECTION, handle=ALBANYDEV/58,
>> ID=64). The Group named 'COLLECTION_64_ADMIN' is missing from DSpace.
>> Please restore this group using the SITE AIP, or recreate it.
>> at
>> org.dspace.content.crosswalk.**METSRightsCrosswalk.ingest(**
>> METSRightsCrosswalk.java:479)
>> at
>> org.dspace.content.crosswalk.**METSRightsCrosswalk.ingest(**
>> METSRightsCrosswalk.java:426)
>> at
>> org.dspace.content.packager.**METSManifest.crosswalkXmd(**
>> METSManifest.java:1151)
>> at
>> org.dspace.content.packager.**METSManifest.**crosswalkObjectOtherAdminMD(
>> **METSManifest.java:1072)
>> at
>> org.dspace.content.packager.**AbstractMETSIngester.**ingestObject(**
>> AbstractMETSIngester.java:459)
>> at
>> org.dspace.content.packager.**AbstractMETSIngester.ingest(**
>> AbstractMETSIngester.java:234)
>> at
>> org.dspace.content.packager.**AbstractPackageIngester.**ingestAll(**
>> AbstractPackageIngester.java:**120)
>> at
>> org.dspace.content.packager.**AbstractPackageIngester.**ingestAll(**
>> AbstractPackageIngester.java:**165)
>> at
>> org.dspace.content.packager.**AbstractPackageIngester.**ingestAll(**
>> AbstractPackageIngester.java:**165)
>> at
>> org.dspace.content.packager.**AbstractPackageIngester.**ingestAll(**
>> AbstractPackageIngester.java:**165)
>> at
>> org.dspace.content.packager.**AbstractPackageIngester.**ingestAll(**
>> AbstractPackageIngester.java:**165)
>> at org.dspace.app.packager.**Packager.ingest(Packager.java:**515)
>> at org.dspace.app.packager.**Packager.main(Packager.java:**427)
>> at sun.reflect.**NativeMethodAccessorImpl.**invoke0(Native Method)
>> at
>> sun.reflect.**NativeMethodAccessorImpl.**invoke(**
>> NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:**39)
>> at
>> sun.reflect.**DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.**invoke(**
>> DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.**java:25)
>> at java.lang.reflect.Method.**invoke(Method.java:597)
>> at org.dspace.app.launcher.**ScriptLauncher.main(**
>> ScriptLauncher.java:183)
>> org.dspace.content.crosswalk.**CrosswalkInternalException: Cannot restore
>> Group permissions on object (type=COLLECTION, handle=ALBANYDEV/58,
>> ID=64). The Group named 'COLLECTION_64_ADMIN' is missing from DSpace.
>> Please restore this group using the SITE AIP, or recreate it.
>> ------------------------------**-----
>> Another thing I tried hinged on the following import property:
>> #mets.dspaceAIP.ingest.**createSubmitter = false
>> I'm not sure how closely related it might be, but I enabled the
>> directive and set it to false (even though the default is listed as
>> being false) just to see if it had an effect. It did not.
>> The last thing I tried was to make a copy of the destination instance,
>> then remove the offending epersons from the instance, then try the
>> import again. This worked okay with the first duplicate eperson, but
>> even though I'm an administrator for the system, I did not have the
>> option of deleting the second eperson from the system (the checkmark box
>> from the xmlui was greyed-out and unselectable).
>> I'm not sure what to try from here - outside of removing epersons via
>> SQL and trying the import again. Even then, I'm not sure what affects
>> there might be on my destination instance from removing the necessary
>> epersons.
>> Any help or advice one could offer on this issue would most definitely
>> be appreciated.
>> Many Thanks!
>>  - Patrick Etienne
>> --
>> Patrick K. Etienne
>> Systems Analyst
>> Georgia Institute of Technology
>> Library & Information Center
>> (404) 385-8121
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Patrick K. Etienne
Systems Analyst
Georgia Institute of Technology
Library & Information Center
(404) 385-8121
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