
On 2/21/2012 11:14 AM, Adam Fullerton wrote:
> I am running into 2 problems that may or may not be related while trying
> to install Dspace on a Ubuntu OS laptop. I am following the directions
> on
> 1) I am running the command "sudo ant fresh_install" and getting the
> following 2 errors.
> Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find it in
> /usr/local/java/jre1.7.0_03/lib/tools.jar

This first error looks related to your earlier email about JAVA_HOME 
issues?  It's looking for 'tools.jar' which exists in the JDK (but it's 
trying to find it in the JRE).

> And the second error,
> Error:
> - org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: password authentication
> failed for user "dspace"
> I went into the dspace.cfg file and changed the default password to the
> password I set when setting up. I restarted tomcat and postgresql and
> the whole machine but I am still getting a return of the password for
> the default "dspace" password. I look back in the config file and it has
> the correct password there.

Are you editing the correct dspace.cfg file?  By default, when running 
'ant fresh_install', the 'ant' command is always going to use the 
dspace.cfg settings in the /target/dspace-[version]-build/config/dspace.cfg

Another option is that you can tell 'ant' exactly which dspace.cfg you 
want it to use.  For example:

sudo ant -Dconfig=[full-path-to-dspace.cfg] fresh_install

This command tells 'ant' you specifically want it to use the settings in 
that given dspace.cfg file.

- Tim

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