Thanks, this helps. Oddly I hadn't even considered querying the postgress 
database directly - rather obvious now that you point it out.   

The bad news on the discovery module is that with it enabled ( on 1.8, xmlui, 
following directions at:
 editing metadata or submitting items result in the following error:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No class configured for consumer named: 

I'm assuming I must have missed a step, but can't seem to determine what it is 

On Oct 31, 2012, at 4:35 PM, helix84 wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 9:55 PM, Sara Amato <> wrote:
> I'm trying out the Discovery module for the first time.  It's WONDERFUL!
> Hi Sara,
> nice to hear that!
> Keep in mind that enabling Discovery might require you to give Tomcat a 
> little extra memory. Just remember that in case you run into any memory 
> problems.
> I've been able to successfully add facets for data from items (e.g. 
> dc.description), but am failing to create a facet using bitstream metadata. 
> (e.g. dc.format.mimetype) .   Is it possible to use the bitstream metadata as 
> a facet?
> I don't think you're doing it right. Bitstreams currently don't have metadata 
> like items do. What you're referring to is not in out-of-the-box DSpace, if 
> you have such metadata, it must be some customization you made to the *item* 
> metadata.
> Therefore it isn't in Solr, either.
> Alternatively,  I'd be happy with any way to get a count of numbers of 
> particular mime types in a collection, e.g. Jpgs (2020) ; PDF (253) .   I've 
> been trying was trying get this via solr but I'm guessing the bitstream level 
> data isn't in there????
> Here's how you can get the list using SQL:
> To list all bitstream names:
> FROM bitstream,bitstreamformatregistry
> WHERE bitstreamformatregistry.bitstream_format_id = 
> bitstream.bitstream_format_id
> AND bitstreamformatregistry.mimetype = 'application/pdf'
> To list only bitstream names from a collection specified by handle:
> bitstream,bitstreamformatregistry,bundle2bitstream,item2bundle,collection2item,handle
> WHERE collection2item.collection_id=handle.resource_id
> AND collection2item.item_id=item2bundle.item_id
> AND bundle2bitstream.bundle_id=item2bundle.bundle_id
> AND bundle2bitstream.bitstream_id=bitstream.bitstream_id
> AND bitstreamformatregistry.bitstream_format_id = 
> bitstream.bitstream_format_id
> AND bitstreamformatregistry.mimetype = 'application/pdf'
> AND handle.handle='123456789/123';
> It will work only for collections, but you can analogically use natural join 
> on the community2collection table if you want to use communities.
> To to get only the count, change the first line to
> SELECT count(
> Hope that helps and good luck with your Discovery experiments. If you run 
> into anything that you don't understand and can't find documentation for, 
> don't hesitate to ask.
> Regards,
> ~~helix84
> Compulsory reading: DSpace Mailing List Etiquette

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