
Thanks for your responses.
Re-checking the config files we have seen that the following line

 <field name="bundleName" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"
"false" multiValued="true" />

was missing in [dspace.dir]/solr/statistics/conf/schema.xml

2012/11/21 helix84 <heli...@centrum.sk>

> I'm not completely sure, but from your stracktrace it looks like you
> may be hitting the localhost restriction (by default, Solr in DSpace
> is set up so that you can connect to it only from localhost).
> I'm not familiar with WebLogic, but here's how to do that in Tomcat:
> https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSPACE/Solr#Solr-Bypassinglocalhostrestrictionpermanently
> What exactly are you trying to do? What DSpace version are you using?
> Regards,
> ~~helix84
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Domingo Iglesias
Universitat de Barcelona
Area de Tecnologies
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