
In order to better help you, we'd need to also know which version of 
DSpace you are using, and whether you are using the JSPUI or XMLUI.

That being said, here's some quick answers to your questions.

On 12/31/2012 12:30 AM, Parul dubey wrote:
> Hi
> I have some queries kindly suggest a possible solution
> 1.Can the search criteria can changed as per community wise.
> For ex: Community 1 search based on Author , Title only
>                Community 2  search based on Co publisher , Edition(new
> Metadata fields)

You'd need to customize DSpace to provide this functionality. It'd 
likely take some Java programming work to provide different search 
criteria for different Communities. Offhand, I'm not sure how much time 
this work would take.

> 2.Can the name of the Subject button can be changed to keywords.

Nearly all text in DSpace can be found in the "messages" file.  Which 
"messages" file is being used depends on the interface you are using:

* JSPUI - uses file
* XMLUI - uses messages.xml file

> 3.On clicking to the communities and Collection  only the Community and
> Sub Community names will display not the collections.

You'd need to customize the DSpace user interface to provide this 
feature. So, it would take some programming work.  If you are using the 
JSPUI, you could likely modify the appropriate JSP file.  If you are 
using the XMLUI, you'd likely need to customize your Theme to hide 
collections.  However, if you hide Collections, I'm not sure how you'd 
ever be able to locate those Collections.

> 4.How to display the Community name in particular Order ex: (Books ,
> Reports , Others)as the default  it is displaying as (Books , Others,
> Reports).

Communities are always listed alphabetically in DSpace. This would be 
difficult to customize, unless you do a lot of Java programming 
customization (not recommended).

> 5.How to remove the RSS feed option from the right side of home Page.

In the JSPUI, you should be able to modify the appropriate JSP file.  In 
the XMLUI, you'd need to modify your theme to hide those RSS feed options.

> 6.Is there a possibility to Add more fields while registering a user.

If you want to add more fields to users in general, this would require a 
database table change, along with custom Java code. It's not 
recommended, unless you are a Java programmer.

I hope that helps to answer a few basic questions.  If you need more 
specific details, please email this list and let us know what version of 
DSpace you are using, and which UI (JSPUI or XMLUI).

- Tim

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