On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 1:48 PM, Μάριος Πετρόπουλος <acid...@yahoo.gr> wrote:
> Well , Thank you so much !! It worked fine !!
> I have 2 more questions though.
> 1) Is it possible to pass (in our example) the :  http://yourapp.com/path/
> as a parameter  into a variable ,so to run instantly, when running the
> script  on other servers without having to change each time that  value ?
> (something like "reading" each server's url name  and storing it )

I'm not sure what you mean. Where would you like to have it stored?

You could put it into an xsl:variable, but what's the difference? It's
defined in the same xsl file. This only makes sense if you're using it
in multiple places.

Alternatively, you could put it into a dspace configuration file,
these can also be read from XSL. The disadvantage is a small
performance penalty (calling Java from XSL).

> 2) How can it be, when passing the file as a parameter to my app , not to
> display the file name on the url  but just the
> http://yourapp.com/path/script.php?  ?

To do that, you would need to do a HTTP POST. That means having a HTML
form with a Submit button instead of a link. The file name would be
passed in an input element with type="hidden".


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