Isn't that what I did in the last example with xsl:variable? Sorry, I
don't understand if you mean something else.


Compulsory reading: DSpace Mailing List Etiquette

On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 12:37 AM, Μάριος Πετρόπουλος <> wrote:
> Thanks again but as far my first question ,is it possible for the url to be
> stored dynamically to the xsl variable ?
> Thank you very much
> ________________________________
> Απο: helix84 <>
> Προς: Μάριος Πετρόπουλος <>
> Κοιν.: dspace-tech <>
> Στάλθηκε: 6:15 π.μ. Τετάρτη, 17 Ιουλίου 2013
> Θέμα: Re: Σχετ: [Dspace-tech] url redirection on view/ open for an item
> On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 3:01 PM, Μάριος Πετρόπουλος <>
> wrote:
>> You are right . I am using it in multiple places . What i meant was to
>> store
>> each time the servers url  to a variable  and then place it to the actual
>> link command line . For example
>> <xsl:value-of select="concat('myvar/path/script.php?......
>> Where myvar contains the servers name  at any given time..
> Define:
> <xsl:variable name="myappurl"></xsl:variable>
> Use:
> concat($myappurl + '/path/script.php', ...
>> As far the second one yes a POST is what i need but i thought that it
>> maybe
>> be needed some new code adding.
>> So in order to make a POST request do  i have to add a HTML form in the
>> excisting script or it has to be entirely changed ?
> Instead of
>     <a>
>         <xsl:attribute name="href">
>         </xsl:attribute>
>     </a>
> Use
>     <form>
>         <input>
>             <xsl:attribute name="type">hidden</xsl:attribute>
>             <xsl:attribute name="name">file</xsl:attribute>
>             <xsl:attribute name="value">
>                 <xsl:value-of select="$baseurl,
> mets:FLocat[@LOCTYPE='URL']/@xlink:href)" />
>             </xsl:attribute>
>         </input>
>         <input>
>             <xsl:attribute name="type">submit</xsl:attribute>
>             <xsl:attribute name="value">Send</xsl:attribute>
>         </input>
>     </form>
> In script.php, instead of reading from $_GET['file'], read from
> $_POST['file'] or even better from $_REQUEST['file'].
> Regards,
> ~~helix84
> Compulsory reading: DSpace Mailing List Etiquette

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