Thanks to all the individuals that helped me deal with installation 
difficulties (well, ignorance is bliss sometimes and RTFM can go a long 
way toward ultimate success).

It's working and I think it's working properly (I can do stuff even 
though I don't know what the heck I'm doing).

Now this may not be the best place to ask, but I would really appreciate 
a little push in the right direction for getting things set up for the 
long haul; let me explain, as briefly as possible, what I have to deal with:

  * We have some 60,000+ books dating from the 12th through the early
    20th century (only a few early 20th century, maybe 50 volumes);
  * We have statuary dating from ancient Egypt through Greek and Roman
    time to the 19th century;
  * We have postage stamps dating from the beginning of postage stamps;
  * We have coins dating from Greek and Roman times through modern
    European and Asian periods;
  * We have scientific instruments dating from... well, ancient Egypt
    though modern European and Asian periods;
  * We have monographs and documents dating from, roughly, the 15th century;
  * We have art in multiple formats dating from the Middle Ages though
    early 20th century Asian woodcuts;
  * In short, we have a helluva a lot of stuff.

Maybe someday there will be scholarly papers (at least I hope there 
will!)  but, for now, I need to catalog our holdings (with appropriate 
images for articles that can be photographed or scanned) in a reasonable 
way and I'm wondering if someone might be able to point me to some 
documentation that describes a "pretty good way" of doing that with DSpace?

Thanks for any advice.

A riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma but that's my story and I'm 
stickin' to it.

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