On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 3:21 PM, helix84 <heli...@centrum.sk> wrote:
> Thanks, that clears it up.
> The reason I asked for set names is that I'm not familiar with a way
> to tell the DSpace harvester to harvest using from/until. AFAIK, it
> works only with sets. Yet the all the test items are in the same set.
> When harvesting full repository content, of course I don't get the
> deleted item. So I'm not sure how to test it.

I can feel what you mean.

Would it be convenient to split the test items into more than one sets
? I cannot figure out how that would help testing, but if it does let
me know and I'll make the change.

I'm currently thinking of a different/faster "hack" to let you test it
properly. I can add a php script on the same test Data Provider (i.e.
oai/foobar.php) that upon request modifies the delete status (on and
off) of that particular "item 2" (and its datestamp of course). You
could then hit it with curl or something, make it re-appear on
ListRecords, then hit it again with curl after a few minutes (will set
it to deleted) and run the harvester. And so on, repeating the steps
as you'd like in order to test it multiple times.

How does that sound ? :)

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