On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 4:27 PM, Thanos Kyritsis <dj...@linux.gr> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 3:21 PM, helix84 <heli...@centrum.sk> wrote:
>> Thanks, that clears it up.
>> The reason I asked for set names is that I'm not familiar with a way
>> to tell the DSpace harvester to harvest using from/until. AFAIK, it
>> works only with sets. Yet the all the test items are in the same set.
>> When harvesting full repository content, of course I don't get the
>> deleted item. So I'm not sure how to test it.
> I can feel what you mean.
> Would it be convenient to split the test items into more than one sets
> ? I cannot figure out how that would help testing, but if it does let
> me know and I'll make the change.

You're probably right, when I request a set without from/until, it
wouldn't show the deleted item.

> I'm currently thinking of a different/faster "hack" to let you test it
> properly. I can add a php script on the same test Data Provider (i.e.
> oai/foobar.php) that upon request modifies the delete status (on and
> off) of that particular "item 2" (and its datestamp of course). You
> could then hit it with curl or something, make it re-appear on
> ListRecords, then hit it again with curl after a few minutes (will set
> it to deleted) and run the harvester. And so on, repeating the steps
> as you'd like in order to test it multiple times.
> How does that sound ? :)

Sounds good. I hope I'll be able to do something with it, I mean get
DSpace to recognize the status and delete the item :)


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