Hello all,
We recently upgraded our DSpace installation from 1.7 to 3.2 and switched
to Discovery. On the majority of pages discovery works and displays
correctly, but on pages where we have custom sub-themes, discovery does not
display correctly.

Correct display: https://bir.brandeis.edu/handle/10192/27330/discover
Incorrect display: https://bir.brandeis.edu/handle/10192/22946/discover

The error seems to be stemming from the sub-theme attempting to call the
discovery-styles.css from the wrong path (/themes/static/css/discovery
rather than /static/css/discovery), but we haven't been able to figure out
why this is the case. This does not happen on the non-custom pages, so it
must be something in the xsl or sitemap of the custom themes. We even tried
creating a copy of static in the themes directory just to see if it would
find the correct file but to no avail. Aside from this weird discovery
display error all the other files seem to be pulling correctly. Discovery
does appear to function correctly.

Anyone have any ideas? I can send along the xsl and sitemap of one of the
custom themes (they all use the same one with just some minor tweaks). We
are using a Mirage-based xmlui theme.

Thanks in advance.

Maura Carbone
Digital Initiatives Librarian
Brandeis University
Library and Technology Services
email: mau...@brandeis.edu
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