Thanks for the response.I am using the configuration file (dspace.cfg) of 
Versioned 4.2.I do not have active control authorities in this version.I copy 
of the file (dspace.cfg) for the control authorities, I have not touched 
anything in this configuration.#####  Authority Control Settings = \# 
org.dspace.content.authority.SampleAuthority = Sample, \# 
org.dspace.content.authority.LCNameAuthority = LCNameAuthority, \# 
org.dspace.content.authority.SHERPARoMEOPublisher = SRPublisher, \# 
org.dspace.content.authority.SHERPARoMEOJournalTitle = SRJournalTitle## The 
DCInputAuthority plugin is automatically configured with every## value-pairs 
element in input-forms.xml, namely:##   common_identifiers, common_types, 
common_iso_languages#### The DSpaceControlledVocabulary plugin is automatically 
configured## with every *.xml file in 
[dspace]/config/controlled-vocabularies,## and creates a plugin instance for 
each, using base filename as the name.## eg: nsi, srsc.## Each 
DSpaceControlledVocabulary plugin comes with three configuration options:# = <true|false>    # default: true# 
vocabulary.plugin._plugin_.hierarchy.suggest = <true|false>  # default: true# 
vocabulary.plugin._plugin_.delimiter = "<string>"            # default: 
"::"#### An example using "srsc" can be found later in this = \# 
org.dspace.content.authority.DCInputAuthority, \# 
org.dspace.content.authority.DSpaceControlledVocabulary## configure LC Names 
plugin#lcname.url = This sets the 
default lowest confidence level at which a metadata value is included## in an 
authority-controlled browse (and search) index.  It is a symbolic## keyword, 
one of the following values (listed in descending order):##   accepted##   
uncertain##   ambiguous##   notfound##   failed##   rejected##   novalue##   
unset## See manual or org.dspace.content.authority.Choices source for 
descriptions.authority.minconfidence = ambiguous## demo: use LC plugin for = = = true#### This sets the 
lowest confidence level at which a metadata value is included## in an 
authority-controlled browse (and search) index.  It is a symbolic## keyword 
from the same set as for the default 
"authority.minconfidence" = 
accepted## demo: subject code autocomplete, using srsc as authority## 
(DSpaceControlledVocabulary plugin must be enabled)## Warning: when enabling 
this feature any controlled vocabulary configuration in the input-forms.xml for 
the metadata field will be overridden.#choices.plugin.dc.subject = 
srsc#choices.presentation.dc.subject = = 
true#vocabulary.plugin.srsc.hierarchy.suggest = 
true#vocabulary.plugin.srsc.delimiter = "::"## Demo: publisher name lookup 
through SHERPA/RoMEO:#choices.plugin.dc.publisher = 
SRPublisher#choices.presentation.dc.publisher = suggest## demo: journal title 
lookup, with ISSN as authority#choices.plugin.dc.title.alternative = 
SRJournalTitle#choices.presentation.dc.title.alternative = 
suggest#authority.controlled.dc.title.alternative = true## demo: use choice 
authority (without authority-control) to restrict dc.type on EditItemMetadata 
page#choices.plugin.dc.type = common_types#choices.presentation.dc.type = 
select## demo: same idea for dc.language.iso#choices.plugin.dc.language.iso = 
common_iso_languages#choices.presentation.dc.language.iso = select# Change 
number of choices shown in the select in Choices lookup = 12                                    
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