We are evaluating Dspace for use as our institutional repository.  We need to 
use the METS / MODS metadata scheme.  On the Dspace demo site, I see there is a 
way to add a new schema in the metadata registry.  Using the form provided, I 
include URI to namespace for these schemas.  While Dspace reports it was 
successfully created, when I look at the schema, there are no fields.  Is that 
all Dspace doe; create a placeholder for me to manually enter the fields?  Or 
is it supposed to import all of those fields automatically from the namespace 
URI?  Or is this just a function of the demo and it works in a production 
environment?  Any help is greatly appreciated.



Robert Linz

Associate Director & Head of Public Services

William A. Wise Law Library

University of Colorado Law School

402 UCB, 2450 Kittredge Loop Dr., Rm. 215B

Boulder, CO  80309-0402

Phone: 303-492-2504<tel:303-492-2504>  Fax: 303-492-2707<tel:303-492-2707>


SSRN: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=2194633


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