
I'm a newbie on DSpace. I just installed DSpace 5.x for my library. We use 

I added a new field (advisor) on the Submission form by editing the 
/dspace/config/input-forms.xml file, which works fine.

In order to display it on the default simple item record page, I modified the 
/dspace/config/dspace.cfg file by adding "dc.contributor.advisor" to 
webui.itemdisplay.default = section, like the following:

webui.itemdisplay.default = dc.title, dc.title.alternative, 
dc.contributor.author, dc.contributor.advisor, \
                            dc.subject(nobreakline), dc.date.issued(date), 
dc.publisher, \
                            dc.identifier.citation, dc.relation.ispartofseries, 
                            dc.description.abstract, dc.description, \
                            dc.identifier.govdoc, dc.identifier.uri(link), \
                            dc.identifier.isbn, dc.identifier.issn, \
                            dc.identifier.ismn, dc.identifier

The interesting thing is that originally this part is all commented out and I 
had to uncomment it to make my new field to work. 

Now the real challenge comes, the label for the advisor field on the simple 
item record page is: "metadata.dc.contributor.advisor", not simply "advisor" as 
I expected!

After more research, I came to know that I need to change the 
"Messages.properties" file inside my source directory, like the documentation 
told me:

Location of the JSPUI message catalog in the DSpace source tree

The problem is, I can't find Messages.properties anywhere. It simply doesn't 

My question: Where is this file hided?
My another question is: Is this the only way to change my label from 
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor to advisor? Because I don't want to rebuild 
dspace just for such a small change.

Thanks in advance for your help!


Yongming Wang
Systems Librarian
The College of New Jersey Library
phone: 609-771-3337
email: wan...@tcnj.edu

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