Ok, I did not experienced an OutOfMemoryException during the test phase before the tag, usually I run DSpace-CRIS less than 2GB. Maybe you are running all the webapps under the same Tomcat (in particular you can remove xmlui because is not fully integrated in DSpace-CRIS, is just a starting point to allow other to jump in)
Please send a pull request on github with all your modifications.
Thank you.


Il 17/06/2015 13:51, alastair.dun...@stfc.ac.uk ha scritto:

I’ve checked out the 5.x.x branch and added the maven dependency but found that this then led on to a further missing dependency which was for the dspace-cris-jsp-api. The dspace-services is also required but this leads to a conflict with the ehcache dependency so it requires the exclusion of ehcache-core for the dspace-services.











The services that now start in this order are, swordv2, rdf, solr, sword and xmlui

Jspui fails with an out of memory exception. I’ve given tomcat 10G of memory and its still failing. I’ll do a bit more investigation.


*From:*Pascarelli Luigi Andrea [mailto:l.pascare...@cineca.it]
*Sent:* 16 June 2015 16:24
*To:* Duncan, Alastair (STFC,RAL,SC)
*Cc:* dspace-tech@lists.sourceforge.net
*Subject:* Re: [Dspace-tech] Dspace-cris invalid db.name


I’ve had a further dig into this and it seems that the db.name has been removed on dspace v 5.x.x but is still referenced in the cris version and so causes the problem. If I set the db.name = postgres in the build.properties file it is not propagated to the dspace.cfg file. If I set it directly in the dspace.cfg file then the exception goes away and it has a further exception:

ERROR: column metadatavalue.item_id does not exist

this problems has been resolved with https://github.com/Cineca/DSpace/commit/6578145e547db9f1468142e548ab1ce6c183102b Please use the dspace-5_x_x-cris branch, we will make a fix release in the next few days.

The class not found exception occurs in the sword, sword2, rdf, rest and oai web applications if I remove these from the webapps directory then the errors go away. The classes in the dspace-api-CRIS-5.3.0.SNAPSHOT.jar files for these apps do not contain the CrisSearchService class but they do contain the SearchService class.

Seems that there are a missing resources on classpath. You can found the CrisSearchService.class into dspace-cris-api-CRIS-5.3.0.SNAPSHOT.jar but perhaps the maven dependencies missed him.

Try to add the dependency to webapps pom files and rebuild the application.

e.g. dspace/modules/oai/pom.xml


Thanks for your patience. Please keep us up-to-date with your progress, we hope to achieve a better release together.



Il 16/06/2015 15:20, alastair.dun...@stfc.ac.uk <mailto:alastair.dun...@stfc.ac.uk> ha scritto:

    I’ve had a further dig into this and it seems that the db.name has
    been removed on dspace v 5.x.x but is still referenced in the cris
    version and so causes the problem. If I set the db.name = postgres
    in the build.properties file it is not propagated to the
    dspace.cfg file. If I set it directly in the dspace.cfg file then
    the exception goes away and it has a further exception:

    ERROR: column metadatavalue.item_id does not exist

    I’ve had a look in the database and it is correct it does not exist.

    The class not found exception occurs in the sword, sword2, rdf,
    rest and oai web applications if I remove these from the webapps
    directory then the errors go away. The classes in the
    dspace-api-CRIS-5.3.0.SNAPSHOT.jar files for these apps do not
    contain the CrisSearchService class but they do contain the
    SearchService class.

    I’ll move back to the 4.3.0 version for the present.


    *Sent:* 02 June 2015 11:10
    *To:* dspace-tech@lists.sourceforge.net
    *Subject:* [Dspace-tech] Dspace-cris invalid db.name


    I’ve setup dspace-cris v 5.2.0 and this starts up and I can login
    ok. I’ve added in the default CRIS objects and can browse to these
    ok. This suggests that the db.name is valid. When I try and create
    a researcher page and save this an Internal exception is thrown
    which states that there is an invalid db.name:

    java.lang.IllegalStateException: The configuration for db.name is
    either invalid, or contains an unrecognised database




    I don’t get this problem with v 4.3.0

    Any ideas?

    There are a few other problems when the system starts but these do
    not seem to be a problem yet as I’ve not done any searching:

    Failed to startup the DSpace Service Manager: failure starting up
    spring service manager: Error creating bean with name
    defined in class path resource
    [spring/spring-dspace-applicationContext.xml]: Unsatisfied
    dependency expressed through constructor argument with index 0 of
    [org.dspace.servicemanager.config.DSpaceConfigurationService]: :
    Cannot find class [org.dspace.app.cris.discovery.CrisSearchService]

    nested exception is java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:


    This is the final problem which eventually results in a null
    pointer in the DspaceContextListener.

    Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance
    of class org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener

    org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error
    creating bean with name 'dspace.eventService' defined in
    ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml]:
    Instantiation of bean failed; nested exception is
    Factory method [public org.dspace.services.EventService
    org.dspace.utils.DSpace.getEventService()] threw exception; nested
    exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: DSpace kernel cannot
    be null

    Any help is appreciated.




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