Just a little background info:

1. I don't work for Sensory Networks, they've merely acquired the project 2. The project was originally acquired under my belief that development would continue. I have no control over what is happening (or not happening) now, but I will shoot an email to the right people to see what's up, and try to facilitate someone stepping in as maintainer. 3. I am presently unable to do anything with the project, but once certain stipulations expire, I will certainly consider forking it or picking it back up again (it is still GPL after all). 4. If you can't wait that long, the last release of dspam was still GPL, and therefore there's nothing stopping anyone else from doing the same. There's no reason someone couldn't set up their own CVS / SVN repository and apply patches, or fork the project entirely, in accordance with the GPL.

I must say I am very disappointed that nothing has happened with the project since the announcement, and will try to facilitate some change... it is largely, unfortunately, no longer within my power.


On Nov 2, 2007, at Nov 2, 1:16 PM, Kyle Johnson wrote:

I think it's safe to say that the development has stopped.
Sensory Networks, the company that Jonathan works for, acquired dspam on May 22nd (Read full story at http://www.zdziarski.com/), so I guess they are now considered the developers, even though they are not developing.

I agree that there are a lot of patches floating around, and that something needs to be done.

--Kyle Johnson

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ] On Behalf Of Andreas Schneider
Sent: Friday, November 02, 2007 12:59 PM
To: dspam-dev@lists.nuclearelephant.com
Subject: [dspam-dev] Development


has the dspam development stopped? Is there a maintainer for dspam?

The CVS looks quite dead and a lot of patches are floating around.

Best regards,

        -- andreas

http://www.cynapses.org/ - cybernetic synapses

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