Have you been able to feed in an email manually on the command line?
It looks like there could be a permissions problem, see notes below.

> The continuing saga of trying to get MySQLUIDInSignature to work. No go. 
> It's like Dspam just totally ignores the user id in the signature. 2 is 
> the correct user id. 
> /etc/dspam.conf:
> Home /var/dspam
> StorageDriver /usr/local/lib/libmysql_drv.so
> DeliveryHost
> DeliveryPort        *****
> DeliveryIdent       localhost
> DeliveryProto       SMTP
> OnFail error
I think you would need "Trust dspam" here
> Trust root
> Trust mail
> Trust mailnull
> Trust smmsp
> Trust daemon
> Trust nobody
> TrainingMode toe
> TestConditionalTraining on
> Feature chained
> Feature whitelist
> Algorithm graham burton
> PValue graham
> Preference "signatureLocation=headers"  # 'message' or 'headers'
This might cause some problems if a user does not forward the headers
with the message.
> Preference "showFactors=on"
> Preference "spamAction=tag"
> Preference "spamSubject=[SPAM]"
> AllowOverride trainingMode
> AllowOverride spamAction spamSubject
> AllowOverride statisticalSedation
> AllowOverride enableBNR
> AllowOverride enableWhitelist
> AllowOverride signatureLocation
> AllowOverride showFactors
> AllowOverride optIn optOut
> AllowOverride whitelistThreshold
> MySQLServer             /var/run/mysql/mysql.sock
> MySQLPort               *******
> MySQLUser               dspam
> MySQLPass               ******************
> MySQLDb                 dspam
> MySQLCompress           true
> MySQLConnectionCache    10
> MySQLUIDInSignature     on
> HashRecMax              98317
> HashAutoExtend          on
> HashMaxExtents          0
> HashExtentSize          49157
> HashMaxSeek             100
> HashConnectionCache     10
> Notifications   off
> PurgeSignatures 14          # Stale signatures
> PurgeNeutral    90          # Tokens with neutralish probabilities
> PurgeUnused     90          # Unused tokens
> PurgeHapaxes    30          # Tokens with less than 5 hits (hapaxes)
> PurgeHits1S     15          # Tokens with only 1 spam hit
> PurgeHits1I     15          # Tokens with only 1 innocent hit
> LocalMX
> SystemLog on
> UserLog   on
> Opt out
> ClamAVPort      3310
> ClamAVHost
> ClamAVResponse  accept
> ServerPort              24
> ServerQueueSize         32
> ServerPID               /var/run/dspam.pid
> ServerMode standard
> ServerParameters        "--deliver=innocent"
> ServerIdent             "localhost.localdomain"
> ServerDomainSocketPath  "/var/spool/postfix/tmp/dspam.sock"
> ProcessorBias on
> Here's the headers from an email I just tried to re-train as ham. It 
> rejected while trying to create a user for my ham alias.
> X-DSPAM-Processed: Fri Dec  7 14:03:27 2007
> X-DSPAM-Confidence: 0.5184
> X-DSPAM-Probability: 1.0000
> X-DSPAM-Signature: 2,475998ff17247722847132
> X-DSPAM-Factors: 15,
>                  X-Spam-Status*999, 0.99871,
>                  X-Spam-Status*HTML_MESSAGE=0.001, 0.99849,
>                  Received*ameripeds.com>+Fri, 0.99537,
>                  size=2>Thanks, 0.00899,
>                  face=Arial+size=2>Thanks, 0.01000,
>                  6000+16525", 0.99000,
>                  X-Spam-Status*SUBJ_ALL_CAPS=2.077], 0.99000,
>                  I+created, 0.01000,
>                  16525", 0.99000,
>                  Received*Fri+7, 0.99000,
>                  Date*Fri+7, 0.99000,
>                  Nick, 0.01000,
>                  16525"+name=GENERATOR>, 0.99000,
>                  X-Spam-Status*tests=[BAYES_00=+2.599, 0.98611,
>                  X-Spam-Status*2.599, 0.98233
> Maillog (OpenBSD 4.1)
> Dec 10 09:39:42 mail1 dspam[1724]: query error: Column 'uid' cannot be 
> null: see sql.errors for more details
> Dec 10 09:39:42 mail1 dspam[1724]: process_message returned error -2. 
> delivering.
> Dec 10 09:39:47 mail1 postfix/smtpd[16540]: connect from 
> localhost[]
> Dec 10 09:39:48 mail1 postfix/smtpd[16540]: 56DEE1FC6A4: 
> client=localhost[]
> Dec 10 09:39:48 mail1 postfix/cleanup[22357]: 56DEE1FC6A4: 
> message-id=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Dec 10 09:39:48 mail1 postfix/qmgr[10091]: 56DEE1FC6A4: 
> from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, size=805, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
> Dec 10 09:39:48 mail1 postfix/smtpd[16540]: disconnect from 
> localhost[]
> Dec 10 09:39:48 mail1 postfix/lmtp[27911]: 98AD01FC6A3: 
> relay=mail1.ameripeds.com[/tmp/dspam.sock], delay=6.9, 
> delays=0.64/0/0/6.3, dsn=2.6.0, status=sent (250 2.6.0 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Message accepted for delivery)
> Dec 10 09:39:48 mail1 postfix/qmgr[10091]: 98AD01FC6A3: removed

> Dec 10 09:39:51 mail1 dspam[25864]: Unable to open file for writing:
> /var/dspam/data/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Permission 
> denied
It looks like dspam can't write to /var/dspam
Who owns /var/dspam and what are the permissions?

> Dec 10 09:39:51 mail1 postfix/local[30621]: 56DEE1FC6A4: 
> to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, relay=local, delay=3.4, 
> delays=0.61/0.09/0/2.7, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered to command: 
> /usr/local/bin/dspam --user globaluser --class=innocent --source=error)
> I'm pretty sure I read that dspam is being run as nobody when called 
> through a Postfix alias. nobody is a trusted user for dspam. 
> My postfix aliases:
> train-spam:     "|/usr/local/bin/dspam --user globaluser --class=spam 
> --source=error"
> train-ham:      "|/usr/local/bin/dspam --user globaluser --class=innocent 
> --source=error"
> Global user is a merged group in /var/dspam/group:
> globaluser:merged:*
> Versions:
> DSPAM Anti-Spam Suite 3.6.8 (agent/library)
> Postfix 2.3.7
> Michael D. Lemon
> Director of Information Technology
> Americal Corporation
> Phone: 252-762-2000 x2142
> Fax:      252-762-0176

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