To the local Emergency Manager the idea of being able to communicate
outside of the county lines is almost a moot point. With the flow of
traffic through ICS and NIMS they have to pass their information from
City -> County -> Multi Agency Coordination -> State -> Regional
Levels -> Federal. It will look cool to talk to some guy in Vermont
from Texas but, not practical. To pass traffic across town or send a
message and have it waiting in their E-Mail Inbox will be special.

I have been saying it for the past several years. Field Day is no
longer about Emergency Communications. The ARRL has made it into a
contest. I understand that points are what bring some people out, but
personally I see the worst of Amateur Radio in Field Day. To many
people have the mind set of get points, points are good, need
points... If people would start using proper protocols, standard
phonetics, proper station identification, and pass NTS messages we
could get a lot further.

The only good thing I have seen come out of Field Day in the last
couple years is the setup and testing of our equipment, sharing of
ideas with fellow hams, and the little bit that we get to show new hams.

Personally, I think Field Day has lost its purpose.

[ED - Talking about demonstrating or making contacts using DSTAR during Field 
Day is on topic, discussions of the relevance of Field Day or its rules is for 
another forum.]

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