> One touch on their calls does not work. I could not one touch calls 
> from Kansai. The area cq = ie; /xxxxxxp as we use for general 
> repeater push, is required.

Perhaps some day the details will be shared, but the usroot database
only has callsigns and public IP's for the JA gateways.  The band
module "terminals" have neither pcnames nor internal
(usroot) addresses, but they are entered as terminals.  No terminals
exist for individual users.  The JA's may have their own
network and export only the public gateway IP's.  I wonder what usroot
exports back in return; probably the same.  Thus you have to use
"slash" or "area" routing as Adrian reports, and one touch callsign
capture won't work since no terminal information exists for individual
users in the database.  Persumably the JA's run neither dstarmon nor
dplus either.  So this is more of a limited bridge than a full
integration I guess.

73 -- John

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