--- In dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com, "Bob McCormick W1QA" <ya...@...>

> Elaborating on this:
> > > Things that are unacceptable:
> > > - booking an airline reservation at a web site
> > 
> > How is this different than ordering a pizza over 
> > an autopatch (which the FCC has specifically allowed)?
> I don't know / have not heard about the FCC
> specifically allowing ordering a pizza over
> an auto patch or similar activities.  

It was big news when the change in the regulations were made, this was
probably over 10-20 years ago.  They of course, don't codify the words
"you can order pizza" in the regs, but I believe it revolves around
97.113a3 -- you cannot operate such that it is a financial gain
(pecuniary interest) to yourself or your employer.  So the reasoning
goes, if you don't own or work for the pizza shop, you can order a
pizza over an autopatch. 

This is mentioned in the ARRL article at
http://www.arrl.org/FandES/field/regulations/phone-patch.html (item 2)

> But maybe more importantly - that airline reservation
> over the Internet would probably make use of HTTPS
> (SSL) encryption ... and my personal opinion would
> be HTTPS traffic probably shouldn't be allowed
> (as its encrypted).
> What do you / others think on that one (SSL)?

I think the rules are antiquated here, but still in force.  The intent
is to keep the amateur bands from being misused for commercial or
nefarious intent.  It would be fairly easy to have a system with
fairly weak encryption for certain activities with keys being retained
for the FCC should they monitor a communication the wish to decrypt.

> In any event - we have a 23cm DV + DD on one of our
> local D-STAR systems but the gateway is not yet
> connected to the Internet.  Once it is ... there
> is less than a handful of people that have the
> requisite rig to use D-STAR DD.  I think for the
> time being, in our area, the minimal interest and
> high entry cost for the ID-1 radio really diminishes
> any concerns I have about Internet access over D-STAR.
> Bob W1QA

Yup, we need a DD "Brick" Ethernet and antenna connection, built for
minimum cost with solid technology. It should have a small internal
web server for configuration.

John - K7VE

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