I'm asking this here because my DVDongle Group membership hasn't been approved 
yet.  They are painfully slow.

I have my DV Dongle up and running.... finally.  Turned out, while I thought I 
was registered on the Gateway, I was not.  The person who helped me get 
registered made a typo in my callsign so my registration wasn't completed.

It's done now.

I have tested the Dongle and it works great... almost.  The only problem seems 
to be in establishing a connection between my PC and my Dongle.  The dongle is 
detected and I'm allowed to connect using COM4.  However, most of the time, 
when I click the OPEN button, I get.

"SocketTimeoutException receive Receive timed out"

And if I then start a session to connect with a Gateway, all I hear is hiss.  
But when the connection doesn't time out, I hear audio.

Anyone know why I get this timeout?  Solution?

Dongle Particulars:

Boot Version: 1.04
Firmware Version: 1.11
DVTool version: 1.05

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