At 02:00 AM 4/5/2009, you wrote:
>I have the 91ad...
>No complaints exept the power level is somewhat low to get into the 
>closest dstar repeater...

You could consider a power amplifier and an external antenna for home use.

>I have heard of dongle and maybe that is what I am looiking for...
>But here is my question....
>Is there a device which I can feed microphone audio into, program 
>the callsigns from the keyboard and get digital audio out from and 
>feed it into my basestation microphone...

No, you can't use mic/speaker connections with D-STAR.  You _can_ do 
it with direct connections to the modulator and 
discriminator.  Satoshi's GMSK DV Node project may be of use here.

73 de VK3JED / VK3IRL

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