Woodrick, Ed wrote:
> Elaborate on the Echo Command or using the file created by the echo command.
> For the Echo command, go to the DSTAR Calculator 
> http://www.dstarinfo.com/Calculator/DSTAR%20Web%20Calculator.aspx?Source=W0CDS
> <http://www.dstarinfo.com/Calculator/DSTAR%20Web%20Calculator.aspx?Source=W0CDS>
> And change the function to Echo Test and then select a module such as 
> the 446.9625.

Ahh, I get it.  I thought "echo command" was going to be in reference to 
something that had to be run at the command line.

You're saying to transmit a signal to the "E" command via RF, and then 
use a sneaky way to get a file by copying out the temp file it uses to 
do the echo, into the ID filename.

Very good.  I see.

Maybe will mess with this when I have time... never seen anyone attempt 
"I" on our system, pretty much ... ever.  But the question from Ray 
(knowing that he's not sighted), made me realize we all should probably 
have one in place so the system will always respond if the "I" is sent.

Otherwise we can confuse folks, I suppose.

We admins get to be confused -- even out here in public for all to see 
-- so others don't have to be, right?!  (GRIN!)

It's a hobby!  Whatever... no one bleeding on the floor at the end of 
the day if the D-STAR doesn't work... not like it's a large trunked 
Public Safety system.


But I suppose it'd be nice to have "I" working locally.  Maybe I can 
find some other poor schmuck who wants their voice forever immortalized 
on the system and have them send the transmission and just copy out the 

Or maybe a "contest" to see who GETS to be immortalized... yeah, yeah, 
that's the ticket!  (GRIN!)

Thanks guys,

Nate WY0X

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