Evans, thanks for the info.

> DPLUS: with R2 ON, this will tell the RP2C to pass your data stream to the gw.
> If you where on a dongle, you connect to a US gw, if we DO NOT have R2 
> enabled or ON,
> you will not hear our transmission. When you omit R2 your data stream goes 
> from
> the receiver to the RP2C, and right back out, with out any information going 
> to
> a connected gateway. R2 set to the local gw callsign and G, the RP2C will send
> that data stream to the gw software, thus traffic can be heard from the 
> repeater.

This makes perfect sense to me.  I clearly see your need of RPT2 being
set to a gateway.

> D-PRS (APRS); with R2 ON, this will send your position data to the gw, and the
> DPRS program will then send it out to the aprs-is server stream and show your
> position on an aprs viewing program, jfindU, or other like program (including 
> dstarusers.org)

APRS/D-PRS is something I am ignorant of, but have just googled it and found
that this seems to be another area we are behind.  There are DPRS
I-Gates here in Japan too, but looks like they use a MS Windows software
(DPRSInterface ?) with a dedicated receiver setup separately from the
gateway.  If it was a G2 gateway with an add-on (javAPRSSrvr ?), they wouldn't
need a separate resource.

> With D-PRS, yes, you will get the RPT? every transmission, that is because 
> the RP2C
> has not been updated to understand the even though URCALL is CQCQCQ, the data
> stream is still meant for the gateway. Once there is a RP2C firmware update, 
> things
> can be adjusted correctly then...

OK.  But the reason why I got RPT? here seems to be more fundamental: the old 

Thanks again.  I am learning a lot.

JI1BQW - Kay Ishikawa

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