I would say yes to having the d-star.  If the infrastructure is still 
there, you have a 2M/440 RF & 2M/440 Digital.
If the infrastructure is down, you still have the 2M/440 RF.

Matt / N3WNX

john_ke5c wrote:
>> Only you can really answer your question, but let me pose a question for 
>> you to think about.  What if you deployed to a major incident (like 
>> Katrina) in an area where D-STAR has been deployed heavily for Emergency 
>> Communications, would you want your options for support limited by not 
>> having D-STAR in your bag of tricks?
> What's the DStar network backup plan for major incidents like Katrina when 
> the internet (fiber, cable, microwave) lose power, get flooded, etc.?  What 
> keeps the backbone going for your bag of tricks to keep working?
> 73 -- John
> ------------------------------------

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