
Some comments on your code logic please (all meant in the spirit of
co-operation, NOT criticism):

1) dstar_register_rptr.  You use the call  strcpy(ip, inet_ntoa(ia)); 
However ia has already been set to the IP Address of the Trust Server. 
If this is a registration, the IP address sent in the initial sequence
should be a subnet-zero unique 10.X.X.X address with a /28 mask.

Once the Trust Server has authorized the connection, then the
dstar_ip_check should use the IP address from which it reported - the
Trust Server will use the source IP of the incoming check and place that
against the Zone RP details in the GIP database.  dstar_ip_check
therefore needs to obtain that IP address from the GIP table and use
that once registered.

This is important as the real source IP could be dynamic or NAT-ted.

So, my understanding of the registration sequence is:

  - set date to 01-01-1970 00:00:00.
  - set IP address to unique 10.X.X.X/28
  - send to Trust server

Polling then continues according to what is received in the database

2) dstar_ip_check.   This should really just be a continuation of the
above code - startup and polling are really the same thing.  Again,
there are a couple of issues that I have.

- The IP address should be whatever the G2 sync is telling you in the
update from the Trust Server.
- The date sent should be the last SYNC date from the G2 update.  This
is VERY important.

I'll explain why the last statement.  In the correct mode of operation,
the G2 system only ever sends a full update ONCE, and that is in
response to the date being set to 01-01-1970 00:00:00 as per your
registration script. Your poll to the G2 Trust system will thereafter
include the DATE of the LAST received update.  By that means, the Trust
server works out what you have missing, and only sends snapshot updates.
As long as you always set the polling date to be that of the last
received incoming update, you will never get a FULL update.

Now, there is one huge caveat to that last paragraph - that is not how
the Live G2 system is behaving currently.   However, that is how the
Test system beahves.

3) dstar_accept_ip_updates.  Your approach here is very similar to mine,
except I'm using SQLite to keep the installed code-base size down.  Two
main comments:

- There is a length field in the incoming update which indicates the
total size of the data.  This is made up of the first four bytes of the
update frame.   Multiply the first by 0x1000000, the next by 0x10000,
the next by 0x100 and then add together, add 0x52 to account for the
44-byte header and the 4-byte size, and you'll get the total expected
string length.  About 3Mbytes on the live G2 system.

- I'm having a real issue processing the SQL anything like fast enough. 
I'm moving to a batched system in SQLite to try to speed things up, but
I notice that you do the same as me which is to effectively stop
accepting incoming calls whils the Postgres database updates.  This may
cause issues on the live network that you don't see on the test due to
the size and frequency of the incoming updates.

Rather than three separate programs, I've created a single g2_sync
process as information from one part is used in the other, but I
understand your logic.

73 David- G4ULF

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