At 10:51 AM 9/16/2009, you wrote:

>Enter your vote today!  A new poll has been created for the
>dstar_digital group:
>Would you visit the group archive here on the web as often without 
>the pictures in the group description?  The pictures reduce the 
>number of message headers that can be displaye on the first page and 
>almost always require scrolling to follow the first thread.  Thank you!
>   o I would visit the archive just as much WITHOUT a picture.
>   o I would visit the group archive less often if the picture were 
> removed from the group heading.

Where's the "I don't visit the archive" option? ;)  I rarely read 
Yahoo groups on the web, and I maintain my own email archives.

73 de VK3JED / VK3IRL

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