
Minutes of the 2009 Second Meeting
ARRL Board of Directors
Teleconference – July 17-18, 2009

29. On motion of Mr. Sarratt, seconded by Mr. Frenaye, the following resolution 
WHEREAS, there is current substantial amateur radio movement, activity, and 
innovation in the digital narrowband area; and
>WHEREAS, the FCC has mandated that by 2013 commercial radio move to narrowband 
>channels and Amateur Radio manufacturers normally follow commercial practices; 
>WHEREAS, the VHF/UHF Amateur Radio band plan currently uses 15 and 20 kHz FM 
>channels; and
>WHEREAS, with the increasing use of narrowband across the country amateurs are 
>placing and using narrowband equipment outside the repeater subband because 
>there is no real place to fit the narrowband pairs; and
>WHEREAS, for ARRL to remain a respected leader in technology, we must be 
>actively involved in innovative solutions to problems by bringing about a 
>productive discussion on a technical paradigm shift; now
>THEREFORE, the President shall appoint a study committee for the purpose of 
>research and to consider developing a plan to move the US amateur community to 
>narrowband channel spacing.


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