based on my experience you will be lucky if you ever hear from him.

try here instead

Fran Signature


Fran, W1FJM

<> <>

On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 4:36 PM, ka2ugz <> wrote:

> WOW what a response for the recent "new guy" post! Seems like an abundance
> of energy in this group.
> I saw a presentation and demonstration of a D-Star hot-spot using a node
> adapter (Ham Radio University sponsored by GSBARC) and as a result I joined
> this group to learn more.
> I am an officer in a Long Island club that operates 3 analog repeaters, two
> 70cm and one 2m. We have discussed turning one of them into a D-Star
> repeater but the significant investment is beyond the reach of our small
> club. I think the node adapter hot spot is well within our grasp though.
> With the closest D-Star repeater on the Empire State Building in NYC there
> is not much D-Star activity here and I think the hot-spots will create
> opportunity.
> So on to my first question:
> I sent an email to Satoshi (<>) 
> to buy an assembled node adapter which his website says is available
> (updated 12/23/2009). It has been about 10-days with no reply and no
> indication that the email was undeliverable. In the experience of this
> group, does it take Satoshi a long time to answer email?
> I realize that this is probably not his "day job" and he might be
> overloaded with requests so please help set my expectation level… how
> patient do I need to be?
> 73 de KA2UGZ - Jay

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