
Since you're keen to have the facts straight :-)

> Actually, no, they didnt.  Xerox PARC did a private demo
> session for a number of interested parties on their ALTOS
> system, which included the

That would be the ALTO (and not "Altos", which was a completely different 
kettle of fish). I know it would be Alto because I kept two of these until my 
office was relocated at the beginning of 1991. By the time I started with the 
Alto (1979), BCPL had gone, being replaced by Mesa as the programming language. 
One day someone will write something to replace Mesa ..... I live in hope.

> PARC eventually was disbanded after most of the key

With respect, that news is going to come as something of a shock to all those 
folk who still work there today, Fred!

Thanks, and regards     -     Iain

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