At 07:52 AM 4/4/2010, you wrote:

>After considerable experience on D-Star nets, both via dplus links 
>and Icom's multiplex facility, and in callsign routed QSO's, I am of 
>the distinct opinion that D-Star communciations are fairly 
>unreliable. Dropped streams are frequent.  Folks double on each 
>other and knock each other out.  For strickly local nets with five 
>or more folks, analog outperforms D-Star hands down.  Icom's 
>multiplex facility is as bad or worse, and cumbersome to set 
>up.  Comparison to wider area nets is difficult since I have little 
>experience with echolink and IRLP, but I'd sure like to hear from 
>folks who do.  Ammunition is good so long as it is not a dud...

IRLP and Echolink are quite reliable for wide area nets.  I use them 
all the time.  D-STAR works reasonably well down here, though I do 
hear the occasional dropped stream.  IRLP and Echolink are rock solid 
in my experience, and they have a long history of successful wide 
area emergency comms nets.

73 de VK3JED / VK3IRL

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