> > I can with good conscious, state that without DPLUS, DSTAR would
> probably have died. Or at least be at significantly lower levels of
> penetration than today. A LOT of people enjoy listening to REF001C and
> the nets. A lot of grant money has been spent with the capability to
> link repeaters pretty much a requirement.
> Now that truly is a foolhardy assertion!
> 73--John

I don't think so, I fully agree with Ed, I have seen many user´s drop
off dstar, due to callsign routing technique not 
satisfying their desire to listen in on a qso first before joining in.

To justify Ed´s point, you could shut down dplus on all gateway´s, and
watch Last Heard to see the difference in activity.
I know where I would wager a bet on the difference.


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