I am also concerned about this. I just ordered the latest TravelPlus for Repeaters which hasn't been received yet and it sounds to me that it will not contain D-STAR repeater listings. That was the only reason I wanted it since I am now active on D-STAR. I know I can go to various websites and get the info which I have to manually enter the data rather than import it. I think the League missed here. In my opinion, they need to become more involved with D-STAR; not only listings but looking into new bandplans that will include them. D-STAR is here to stay. Embrace it.

This may be something everyone of us involved with DV communication needs to make known to them at Dayton. Stop by their booth and let make them aware of this. I will.


Carl W8KRF

Francis Miele wrote:
according to dstarusers.org <http://dstarusers.org> http://www.dstarusers.org/repeaters.php?repeatersort=5 <http://www.dstarusers.org/repeaters.php?repeatersort=5> there a plenty

Fran, W1FJM

On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 1:16 PM, Kent Hufford <khuff...@atlanticbb.net <mailto:khuff...@atlanticbb.net>> wrote:

    I just bought my new 2010-2011 ARRL Repeater Directory, even the
    "large print" version.

    And I could not find any listings for DSTAR repeaters in South
    Carolina, and only one 1200mhz DSTAR repeater for all of Georgia.

    You would have thought Georgia would have more listings?



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