ARRL could and probably should provide more leadership regarding digital voice 
modes in general, but Part 97 is clear about regional frequency coordinator 
groups having the power to coordinate.  Certainly on 2 meters, which in some 
regions is full up with active FM analog repeaters, plus some very low use 
repeaters, plus some paper repeaters, there is no way for new repeaters to get 
a coordinated pair of frequencies in some places in the US.  

This is where ARRL could help, not only with modern band plans, but by 
encouraging coordinating organizations to look at the greater good for hams in 
each region, as well as community welfare.  As it is, existing coordinated 
repeater owners make up the majority vote in each organization and they are 
often reluctant to change coordinating policy to free up little or unused 
frequencies.  (Note: some little-used analog repeaters are set up for EmComm 
and are used only for training and actual emergencies.  This is valid, though 
some sort of time-sharing of frequency pairs might be possible, where the 
everyday repeater agrees to shut off for EmComm drills and events.  Again -- 
ARRL leadership could help here.)

Hence, new uncoordinated D-Star repeaters won't be known to the coordinators, 
and they won't be able to update ARRL for their Repeater Directory or Travel 

It would make sense for ARRL to scrape off the info from and add that to their directories with 
a footnote about the source.  That would be providing some more leadership, too.

   Jim - K6JM

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: bruce mallon 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 11:46 AM
  Subject: Re: [DSTAR_DIGITAL] No DSTAR in South Carolina or Georgia?  
        The ARRL has done nothing to help d-star ot analog FM This sounds like 
the same thing that cost us the 220-222 mhz band all the fcc knew was the ARRL 
reppeater directory had no listing for that band so UPS wound up with it ......

        D-Star needs to have a spot of its own as does the ECHOLINK stations 
not on analog frequencies but a spot for the digital modes.... There needs to 
be a listing of D-Star repeaters and simplex for that mode just like analog has 
had for thr last 40 years. If we keep showing empty spots on our bands someone 
else will find a way to fill them.

        The robots on 440 mhz should be a awaking for all of us .....73,

        Carl W8KRF


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