At 01:02 AM 5/17/2010, you wrote:

>The pace of change in the world is incredible and it continues to 
>increase. For a lot of people, especially those who have been able 
>to live much of their lives in a relatively stable niche, 
>complacency adds stability. D-Star is very different and for that 
>reason alone makes many people uncomfortable.

For me, it's the opposite.  The rapid changes in D-STAR is what I 
find exciting. :)

>As I've promoted D-Star, I've discovered that some Hams don't care 
>what it can do, they just don't like it. No amount of rational 
>explanation about technology and the usefulness of its features will 
>overcome a purely emotional resistance. In such cases, I've 
>discovered that my time is more productive focusing on people who 
>are interested, but need additional information.

Definitely.  It's like the old saying "Never teach a pig to 
sing.  It's a waste of time and annoys the pig".  Trying to convert 
those with emotional resistance to D-STAR is just as pointless, they 
won't budge, and will dig in harder.  However, in time, some of these 
people will eventually come around in their own time, as people 
around them migrate to D-STAR, or they discover that it can be a lot of fun.

As you say, it's best to focus on the interested who are looking for 
more information, or those who haven't got much awareness of D-STAR at all.

73 de VK3JED / VK3IRL

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