FYI, some ustrust gateways are joining the very new ircddb overlay network for 
call-sign routing.  Callsign routing is the original way DStar was designed.  
(Reflectors, dongles, and DVAP's belong to another add-on system powered by 
dplus that does not use callsign routing).  The idea, I think, is to let users 
on one network callsign route to users on other networks and/or to stand-alone 
gateways.  More details are here:

More comments from the designers:

"ircDDB is an overlay network which can cover all existing networks but also 
gateways without any trust server connectivity. Our client system is open 
source, so technical issues can be overcome, but you all know that in some 
cases it is not a technical issue.

- The biggest DStar network worldwide:
During our development we worked very close together with the K5TIT US trust 
admin team around Jim/N5MIJ and Brian/NJ6N and supplied them with all details 
like database dumps, network traces, data flow diagrams, test results and other 
stuff. Everyone from our developer group is running one or more gateways on the 
US trust network and we do not want to harm it in any way. We want to get users 
together and not to kill the system. It is our main interest to make everything 
transparent. The US trust admin team approved the ircDDB system to be used on 
gateways at the US-trust network. More than 10 test systems are on air since 
april and never caused any issues gr. It was a pleasure to work with the group 
and we are planning some other stuff that we would like to get approved.

- The last group that we want to point out is the group of homebrew systems.
This can run in the ircDDB network and work with all other ircDDB participants 
without being connected to any trust server system. Like in Packet-Radio, 
Echolink and other systems we do a callsign check for RF users and no 

All users in the ircDDB overlay network need to be registered in all trust 
systems FROM where they want to work and TO where they want to work. This is a 
given thing by the trust systems, not by ircDDB. The ircDDB network is no new 
trust network, we do not register any users, we just add a online routing 
mechanism to the functionality of the existing systems.

vy 73, Hans, DL5DI"


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