
Not much to linking. Check out http://www.k6mdd.org/k6mdd/dpluslinking.html  
You may find after reading that page, you can skip the rest of this note.

DPlus is an app that most repeater owners outside Japan add to their repeater 
software.  It allows authorized users (typically everyone, but that's up to the 
admin) to issue Link and Unlink commands.  Let's say you want to link your 
nearby repeater to a repeater in the town where you grew up.  You'd set up at 
least four memories in your D-Star radio -- one for normal talking on the local 
repeater, one to Unlink, one to Link to the target repeater or reflector, and 
one to re-establish where the local repeater is normally linked.

Best way to find out how your repeater is normally linked is to check out their 
Dashboard, for example https://k6mdd.dstargateway.org/

So you check and your local repeater is quiet, and you set your radio to the 
unlink memory and press PTT.  You then select the Link memory for your desired 
repeater/reflector and press PTT,  then switch to the normal talk memory  (with 
CQCQCQ for URCall) and chat with people on the other end.  Once linked, a 
repeater will pass through everyone who has taken the trouble to set RPT2 to 
the repeater's Gateway.  Oh, they must also be properly registered on some 
repeater in the D-Star network.

When done, you just select unlink and PTT, then optionally select link for 
normal linked refelctor and PTT.  This is a courtesy since a lot of repeaters 
like to stay permanently linked to some particular reflector.

How to do this?  It's all done with URCall, RPT1 and RPT2.  Just set up 
memories to do each of the follow, for example.

For normal talking:
  RPT1 = the repeater and module you are talking to
  RPT2 = the gateway of the repeater you are talking to

Assuming you normally talk on K6MDD port C:

  RPT1 = K6MDD..C  (port in 8th position, dots are spaces)
  RPT2 = K6MDD..G

To Unlink:
  URCall = .......U (Unlink command in 8th)
  RPT1/2 same as above

To Link to reflector 14C:
  URCall = REF014CL
  RPT1/2 same as above

To link to K5TIT port B:
  URCall = K5TIT.BL  (port in 7th, L in 8th)
  RPT1/2 same as above

Turns out the DVAP also supports DPlus linking and unlinking.  Not a surprise 
since the author of DPlus, Robin Cutshaw, is also the author of the the DV 
Dongle and DVAP software.  So you can link your own DVAP directly to any Dplus 
repeater or reflector.

  Jim - K6JM

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Will 
  To: dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 7:55 AM
  Subject: [DSTAR_DIGITAL] Re: The Next New Guy with Questions  

  Thanks for the detailed response. I read it twice to make sure I did not miss 
anything. Too bad the DVAP does not have the AMBE technology. I would think a 
DVAP + DV-Dongle type product would be real usefull. Something that would allow 
a ham to use a VHF/UHF radio they already have as a simple "FM wireless Link" 
to a DV-Dongle. That would allow the Hams on limited budgets to get into 
digital and still use a radio. I would think it would need to decode CTCSS or 
PL Tones and tune to a number of Simpley frequencies. When I have mentioned 
that I was going to try D-STAR many of the Hams I know were very negative about 
it.... "It's not ham radio if you can't make it yourself" and so on.... but I 
then asked them when was the last time they built a full featured dual band 
radio that fits in their hand? Then they through the cost thing at me, which I 
agree in this economy is a little pricy, but so is any new piece of radio gear. 

  You mentioned the Reflectors, ie: REF014C, I still have some reading and 
learning to do here. I understand the principles of linking to other repeters 
and networking (in my day job I work with high speed serial optical/copper 
networking and protocol conversion) but I don't know how to do it and what is 
acceptable to do on the repeaters. Guess I need to spend more time listening to 
the repeters to see what goes on.

  Anyway, thanks for your email - it helped me learn more about D-STAR.

  Will - N7IPY

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