At 02:56 AM 7/15/2010, you wrote:

>There are some folks who are using the DVDONGLE in combination with 
>an FM radio to get on D-STAR and I guess you could build such a 
>beast (as long as you handled the ID requirements - every radio must 
>ID on its transmission frequency).   Play with native D-STAR for 
>awhile and you may find your opinion changing. :)

A lot of people seem to make a big deal of the ID issue, but to me, 
it's no different than setting up a standalone Echolink node.  The ID 
requirements are exactly the same, and the methods for dealing with 
it have been well known for decades, though more options have come in 
recent years.  I feel the ID issue, while necessary for legal 
operation, is a red herring in the context in which it gets raised as 
a barrier between D-STAR and analog.  It is not.  Just put in a Morse 
or voice ID module, and configure it to ID at least once every 10 
minutes, while the link is active.

There will be some _inconvenience_ in the FM -> D-STAR direction, 
because the originating user's callsign won't appear on the D-STAR 
users' radios, but each transmitter in the chain is still legally 
identifying ITSELF.

>Oh, and you can make your own D-STAR radio -- AE4JY built and 
>demonstrated a 2-meter radio over 3 years ago.  Yes you have to use 
>the AMBE chip ($20+) as a part in it, just like transistors, 
>integrated circuits, filters, etc. -- other hams are working similar 
>projects (see: 
>-- you probably won't convince anyone stuck in spark gap land, but 
>their argument(s) are invalid.

And as I have previously mentioned, there are computer based 
solutions as well, if you have a DV Dongle for the AMBE part.  The 
"lack of homebrew" is another red herring. :)

73 de VK3JED / VK3IRL

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