On 7/18/2010 12:53 PM, J. Moen wrote:

You probably know all this, but when preparing to visit a new area, you can find out about the US Trust registered D-Star repeaters at http://www.dstarusers.org/repeaters.php?repeatersort=5 <http://www.dstarusers.org/repeaters.php?repeatersort=5> W7AES is interesting. I notice Daniel reports W7AES does not work at this time. And when you go to their DPlus Dashboard at https://w7aes.dstargateway.org/ <https://w7aes.dstargateway.org/> it shows no links and no last heard callsigns. But the dstarusers.org page for this repeater at http://www.dstarusers.org/viewrepeater.php?system=W7AES <http://www.dstarusers.org/viewrepeater.php?system=W7AES> shows 18 Last Heard callsigns from various places around the world, including one just a little while ago. The other Las Vegas repeater is listed as N7ARR. http://www.dstarusers.org/viewrepeater.php?system=N7ARR <http://www.dstarusers.org/viewrepeater.php?system=N7ARR> shows only 2 callsigns on its Last Heard report for the last 14 days, but that page also lists the trustee's email address, so you could contact him for answers to your question. The same repeater list shows W7KDS in Kingman, AZ (last time I was there was 1963). There is one Last Heard callsign for the last 14 days. It might makes sense to DPlus Link to all of those repeaters and see if anyone is around.
   Jim - K6JM

W7AOR, Kent, is often on REF014C -- he is the control OP for N7ARR repeaters. He sometimes pops on the NU7TS net at 8 PM (Mountain Time) on Sunday evening -- REF029C. I'm pretty sure he welcomes visitors on his repeater(s) but I haven't been to Vegas lately.

John D. Hays
Amateur Radio Station K7VE <http://k7ve.org>
PO Box 1223
Edmonds, WA 98020-1223
VOIP/SIP: j...@hays.org <sip:j...@hays.org>
Phone: 206-801-0820
Email: j...@hays.org <mailto:j...@hays.org>

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