
Hi Neelam,
Neelam wrote:

I am profiling some workloads for the voluntary and involuntary context switches. I am interested in finding out the reasons causing these two types of context switches. As far as I understand, involuntary context switch happens on expiration of time slice or when a higher priority process comes in. While the voluntary switch generally happens when a process is waiting for I/O etc.
So to find out what system calls are causing voluntary context switches in my 
workloads, I printed whenever a system calls is invoked and whenever a context 
switch happens. I am profiling the system calls and context switched inside 
critical sections (while some lock is being held).

Look at usr/src/cmd/stat/mpstat/mpstat.c and you'll see that it figures
voluntary and involuntary context switches from kstats in
module cpu, class misc, name sys members "pswitch" and
"inv_swtch".   See kstat -m cpu -n sys output.

Armed with that knowledge, the 'sysinfo' provider is your friend:

# dtrace -l -P sysinfo | egrep 'pswitch|inv_swtch'
75877    sysinfo              unix                          swtch_to pswitch
75878    sysinfo              unix                 swtch_from_zombie pswitch
75879    sysinfo              unix                             swtch pswitch
75899    sysinfo              unix                           preempt inv_swtch

So those are probes at the point that corresponding kstat is incremented.
Now write a script to aggregate on stacks when we hit these probes.
That will produce a lot of distinct stacks since there are myriad ways
of getting to these points, so you may want to begin refining on depth
of stack to collect or perhaps using only 'caller', eg:

#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s

        @a[probename, caller] = count();

        printa("%s from %a: [EMAIL PROTECTED]", @a);

Run for a few seconds on my workstation:

# /tmp/a.d
dtrace: script '/tmp/a.d' matched 5 probes
CPU     ID                    FUNCTION:NAME
3 2 :END pswitch from genunix`cv_wait_stop+0x100: 1
pswitch from genunix`turnstile_block+0x76b: 1
pswitch from genunix`yield+0x57: 8
pswitch from genunix`cv_wait_sig+0x13d: 10
pswitch from genunix`lwp_cond_wait+0x5c9: 14
pswitch from genunix`sema_p+0x1cb: 27
inv_swtch from genunix`post_syscall+0x59e: 77
pswitch from unix`idle+0xb2: 96
inv_swtch from unix`trap+0x1167: 102
pswitch from unix`preempt+0xda: 129
pswitch from genunix`cv_timedwait+0xcf: 541
pswitch from genunix`cv_wait_sig_swap_core+0x165: 894
pswitch from genunix`cv_wait+0x61: 1408
pswitch from genunix`cv_timedwait_sig+0x194: 3202
pswitch from unix`idle+0xbe: 5523

It's possible/likely that the 'sched' provider helps here too, but you'd
have to read the docs for that.

It's not really a particularly meaningful question to ask "which system calls
are causing voluntary and involuntary context switches", although there
are perhaps some system calls (eg the "slow" ones for IO) which will
routinely go down the voluntary path.  I think the question needs to
be posed deeper down in the kernel.

But I see something unexpected. I see

* Voluntary context switches occur almost every time due to doorfs()
system call. They do occur for a few times due to lwp_park() and very
few times due to yield().

* Involuntary happens anytime. (lwp_park(), read(), fstat(), putmsg(),
gtime() and sometime without any system call!!)

Yes.  An involuntary context switch is essentially a case of the kernel
deciding to yank one thread (which may be running in the kernel or userland
at the time) off of cpu in favour of a higher priority thread that has
become runnable on that cpu.  For example if you have a userland
app that simply does for (;;); thus spinning endless and watch
switches of that you'll very like see lots of involuntary switches
(unless you have lots of cpus and little work for them).


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